We don't know what the allegation is, but under Colorado law, yes that would qualify. Read the link to the law that Buffnik posted above.So that is the allegation? He threw her phone in Boulder Creek? That qualifies as DV?
We don't know what the allegation is, but under Colorado law, yes that would qualify. Read the link to the law that Buffnik posted above.So that is the allegation? He threw her phone in Boulder Creek? That qualifies as DV?
No, that was a hypothetical, that was illustrating how the optics of a DV charge could be bad, while the actual situation could be minor.So that is the allegation? He threw her phone in Boulder Creek? That qualifies as DV?
Nobody is rationalizing anything. We are simply not damming him to a lifetime in prison based on an arrest that we don't know any of the facts on. For some reason, you are already doing that. You literally don't know a single thing about what actually happened. What happened to innocent until proven guilty. JFCMan, the rationalizing already starting. This is the worst. After a whole off season of dealing with this ****, and bringing people in to talk to the team about EXACTLY THIS ISSUE, he gets arrested for it. But I'm sure he just smashed a playstation. He needs to go. He picked the wrong time to **** with someone's game console.
Nobody is rationalizing anything. We are simply not damming him to a lifetime in prison based on an arrest that we don't know any of the facts on. For some reason, you are already doing that. You literally don't know a single thing about what actually happened. What happened to innocent until proven guilty. JFC
Political correctness. Denunciation is immediate, and need not wait on a verdict.Nobody is rationalizing anything. We are simply not damming him to a lifetime in prison based on an arrest that we don't know any of the facts on. For some reason, you are already doing that. You literally don't know a single thing about what actually happened. What happened to innocent until proven guilty. JFC
Stop with they hyperbolic bull****. Whether or not he is convicted and sentenced is for the courts to decide. Please show me where I said otherwise. But this is not a legal system forum, it is a Colorado Football board. And coming off the off season we just did, he needs to go. The sad thing is you're rationalizing without even realizing you're doing it. It's the same **** people have been doing in defense of abusers for years. This is how it starts.
I'm the one throwing around hyperbolic bull****? Child please.Stop with they hyperbolic bull****. Whether or not he is convicted and sentenced is for the courts to decide. Please show me where I said otherwise. But this is not a legal system forum, it is a Colorado Football board. And coming off the off season we just did, he needs to go. The sad thing is you're rationalizing without even realizing you're doing it. It's the same **** people have been doing in defense of abusers for years. This is how it starts.
As Nik said, DV can be as minor as smashing her playstation. The optics of it are not minor regardless of what he actually did.
Domestic Violence can be something minor (as mentioned), other than outright violence against a person. However, there is a charge of third degree assault, which implies this is more serious. You are not held without bail for assaulting a phone or video game.
I saw somebody on Scout say that a third degree assault charge automatically comes when there is a DV charge. Again, this isn't black & white and nobody knows ****. Why are people assuming the worst?Domestic Violence can be something minor (as mentioned), other than outright violence against a person. However, there is a charge of third degree assault, which implies this is more serious. You are not held without bail for assaulting a phone or video game.
I understand what you are getting at. I do. However if he gets charged with DV because he destroyed property and did not actually lay a hand on her, what then? It isn't black and white, regardless of how much we would like it be the contrary.
If the guy laid a finger on this woman, he should go to jail. In that scenario he deserves everything that would be coming for him.
Nobody isSuspending him indefinitely is a good start. And if he is eventually cleared, which doesn't seem likely considering the charges, Mac's comments, and the fact that they've involved the Title IX office on campus, then potentially he could work his way back onto the team. Mac has shown us he favors this approach. The worst thing they could've done would've been to allow him to participate until "all the facts come in" and then dealt with it at that time. That's what they did with Tumpkin and that's what started this whole **** storm. The old "wait-and-see" approach. It looks like they may have actually learned something from that and are not going down that road again.
And I agree. If he touched her, he's gone. I don't see how anyone could argue otherwise.
Suspending him indefinitely is a good start. And if he is eventually cleared, which doesn't seem likely considering the charges, Mac's comments, and the fact that they've involved the Title IX office on campus, then potentially he could work his way back onto the team. Mac has shown us he favors this approach. The worst thing they could've done would've been to allow him to participate until "all the facts come in" and then dealt with it at that time. That's what they did with Tumpkin and that's what started this whole **** storm. The old "wait-and-see" approach. It looks like they may have actually learned something from that and are not going down that road again.
And I agree. If he touched her, he's gone. I don't see how anyone could argue otherwise.
There's no such thing as "minor" domestic violence, especially now and especially for this program after the Tumpkin situation. Three ****ing days after they bring in Brenda Tracy to speak to the team about assault and respecting women, he does this ****. Man, the stupidity of some college kids never ceases to amaze me.
For sure. But that doesn't necessarily mean violence against the same person to whom the DV charge relates.Domestic Violence can be something minor (as mentioned), other than outright violence against a person. However, there is a charge of third degree assault, which implies this is more serious. You are not held without bail for assaulting a phone or video game.
Well, we do know some facts: Fact one- he was charged with domestic violence. Fact two- the football team and head coach and entire athletic department just came under serious scrutiny because a former coach was engaged in violent behavior towards his girlfriend. These two facts make just about anything that may come out of the Julmisse situation irrelevant. He gone. They will have a zero tolerance policy, even if it's found that he threw her phone in the creek. It doesn't matter what he actually did, anything he did that could be considered an act of domestic violence is grounds for dismissal. Even if he's found innocent, the fact that he was charged is probably enough so they will cut ties. Just not worth the potential fallout.For sure. But that doesn't necessarily mean violence against the same person to whom the DV charge relates.
This looks awful and was at the least a bad situation, but we don't know any facts yet.
How to explain this without being condescending...Speculating that he threw a phone in a creek which in turn got him charged with 3rd degree assault, DV, kicked off the team and held without bond must be one of the dumbest things I've read on this forum.
Speculating that he threw a phone in a creek which in turn got him charged with 3rd degree assault, DV, kicked off the team and held without bond must be one of the dumbest things I've read on this forum.
You continue to show up on these boards and make a fool out of yourself, all in the name of specifically coming after me. Can't fix stupid, I guess.Speculating that he threw a phone in a creek which in turn got him charged with 3rd degree assault, DV, kicked off the team and held without bond must be one of the dumbest things I've read on this forum.
You continue to show up on these boards and make a fool out of yourself, all in the name of specifically coming after me. Can't fix stupid, I guess.
Lol, still the dumbest post ive seen on here and I've been around quite a bit longer than you have, Tshrek aka Tini 2.0
I'm surprised you actually managed to graduate from CU, at least you say you have, but I hear psychology degrees are pretty easy...