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Official 2016 Coaching Carousel

I long suspected what bailer needed was Dykes....and Dykes needs bailer.

How bad do things have to be at Cal for Dykes to head east to Waco?
While I'm not at all concerned about MM going to bailer, the thought of losing Leavitt to Cal is concerning to me.
While I certainly don't hold Leavitt's past against him, I can't imagine it would fly with the regents and brass at Cal. I could be wrong though.
I hope Dykes turns them down too, that would be about as bad as it gets for Baylor since you know Cal would probably let him go without his buyout.
No but they do care about the public image of the most high profile University employee.
I can agree with that. Thing is, Leavitt is already pretty well known in the Bay Area. I honestly don't think what happened 10 years ago has any bearing on Cal's decision. Nobody raised a stink when he was hired by the 49ers. I doubt anybody of consequence would raise a stink now. Also, his defense held Stanford to 3 offensive points. I'm sure that fact is not lost on folks in Berkeley. If Cal can get rid of Dykes without paying a penalty, I would think Leavitt would be very high on their list. That bothers me, but I understand the realities of college coaching jobs. I just hope he is happy here and doesn't want to move again.
I think they are just throwing out names to see if any stick at this point. MM was a non starter and we all knew it. Kind of pathetic.
Hawkins presser:

I'm not sure if he has learned a single ****ing thing from his failures, but at least he is consistent.

What I bring to the table this time around . . . life in the real world as I call it, it's the tip of the spear, competitive, sometimes brutal, sometimes exhilarating, but it comes down to the details . . . I'm my best me right now

Awesome, just awesome!
Hawkins presser:

I'm not sure if he has learned a single ****ing thing from his failures, but at least he is consistent.

That man is so full of bull****. "He's the best 'me' he's ever been right now". Christ, what an asshole. Those folks in Davis have no idea what they just did. Poor folks.

BTW, that AD looks like he's about 20 years old. He just made the worst hire of his career.
So did he recycle the "be the bow" crap? When he got to "don't win, be a winner" I tapped out.
He did reference texts he received, and that he had "lots of other opportunities". Like what? is the question I hoped someone would ask.
made it about 15 seconds into him talking. Had horrible flashbacks and now have a strong desire to get blackout drunk. Thanks a lot DII