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Official 2018 Fall Camp Thread

Montez much better than any other QB on the roster. 2nd string is...??? No one really stands out. Maybe Noyer
Quick review of th scrimmage from what I saw. I’ll start with a response to Sliders comments about our RB’s. He looks good, but I wouldn’t say he’s so far ahead of Evans and Fontenot that he’s going to be a feature back right from the get go. On the checkdown catch TD he had, he made a great cut and accelerated quick but he his top speed is not too impressive. Looked a little slow. Overall running backs don’t seem to be a huge concern at this point confident with them currently. Bish had more carries than I expected him to and actually did alright. Definitely better than he has looked in the past, still situational and 3rd string at best but serviceable for sure.

Speaking of that checkdown pass, it was so simple but it was very clear watching Montez’ helmet he went 1 to 2 to 3 to checkdown. Very nice to see. Overall you can tell he wants to sit in the pocket more and run through his progressions but when the 1 d-line was playing, pressure got there quick and he had to scramble a few times. His deep ball is noticeably better. Missed a couple as expected but they were extremely close misses not the 10 yard overthrows we saw more than a couple times last year. One to KD near the end of the scrimmage was an absolute beauty. As for backups both Lytle and Noyer made some good throws but Lytle made a really good impression today at least on me. Noyer has one pick that was just a head scratcher. Should be a close competition for QB2 up until the 31st. I will say if they are ever pushed into emergency playing time, I am not as nervous about it as I was with Noyer last year!

I paid a lot of attention to Javier but he wasn’t in too long. It looked like he was getting his pad level lower but still getting pushed off the ball. Did shed a couple blocks on a play to make a stop on Evans but I didn’t see enough to be blown away impressed with his improvement.

O-line seems to be better than last year although Montez was still scrambling a bit more than he should be but they also created some solid pockets for him with time to throw. Same 5 that was penciled in during last weeks scrimmage, and I gotta say Pursell looks to be very solid on the inside. Pushed Javier back a couple times and had crisp clean snaps.

Receivers. Not much to say here, these guys are deep, these guys are nasty, these guys are fast as expected. Jaylon stood out as did Maurice Bell. Kabion kind of underperformed today had a drop and some routes did not look too crisp.

Davion is an athlete he will make plays this year. Saw a couple drives where Gamboa and Landman were on the field together and looked good.

Udoffia got burned on 2 plays that I saw so that’s a bit concerning. I know Worthington didn’t play but I also didn’t see Fisher unless I’m blind but the backups didn’t seem TOO underwhelming. I think serviceable should the need arise but I would much rather not have to be in that situation. I know a few of you attended today so if you saw anything differently, let everyone know I’m not as good as Nik
Quick review of th scrimmage from what I saw. I’ll start with a response to Sliders comments about our RB’s. He looks good, but I wouldn’t say he’s so far ahead of Evans and Fontenot that he’s going to be a feature back right from the get go. On the checkdown catch TD he had, he made a great cut and accelerated quick but he his top speed is not too impressive. Looked a little slow. Overall running backs don’t seem to be a huge concern at this point confident with them currently. Bish had more carries than I expected him to and actually did alright. Definitely better than he has looked in the past, still situational and 3rd string at best but serviceable for sure.

Speaking of that checkdown pass, it was so simple but it was very clear watching Montez’ helmet he went 1 to 2 to 3 to checkdown. Very nice to see. Overall you can tell he wants to sit in the pocket more and run through his progressions but when the 1 d-line was playing, pressure got there quick and he had to scramble a few times. His deep ball is noticeably better. Missed a couple as expected but they were extremely close misses not the 10 yard overthrows we saw more than a couple times last year. One to KD near the end of the scrimmage was an absolute beauty. As for backups both Lytle and Noyer made some good throws but Lytle made a really good impression today at least on me. Noyer has one pick that was just a head scratcher. Should be a close competition for QB2 up until the 31st. I will say if they are ever pushed into emergency playing time, I am not as nervous about it as I was with Noyer last year!

I paid a lot of attention to Javier but he wasn’t in too long. It looked like he was getting his pad level lower but still getting pushed off the ball. Did shed a couple blocks on a play to make a stop on Evans but I didn’t see enough to be blown away impressed with his improvement.

O-line seems to be better than last year although Montez was still scrambling a bit more than he should be but they also created some solid pockets for him with time to throw. Same 5 that was penciled in during last weeks scrimmage, and I gotta say Pursell looks to be very solid on the inside. Pushed Javier back a couple times and had crisp clean snaps.

Receivers. Not much to say here, these guys are deep, these guys are nasty, these guys are fast as expected. Jaylon stood out as did Maurice Bell. Kabion kind of underperformed today had a drop and some routes did not look too crisp.

Davion is an athlete he will make plays this year. Saw a couple drives where Gamboa and Landman were on the field together and looked good.

Udoffia got burned on 2 plays that I saw so that’s a bit concerning. I know Worthington didn’t play but I also didn’t see Fisher unless I’m blind but the backups didn’t seem TOO underwhelming. I think serviceable should the need arise but I would much rather not have to be in that situation. I know a few of you attended today so if you saw anything differently, let everyone know I’m not as good as Nik
Good summary and you saw some things I missed. Agree with Ento assessment. Looks to me like he’s in a fight to start and sees it slipping away. McTravon is talented but agree, he seemed like he was either holding back a little or was winded. Could be he’s still adjusting to altitude?
Not Cu related but there’s a series airing on ESPN about Bama’s “Training Camp”. That place is just a ****ing machine. Absolute football factory that is basically an NFL team with the way they’re run.
Excellence is a habit. Make your commitment greater than your goals.
Drew Lewis? He’s been lining up a ton at OLB, I’m actually surprised at how many reps he’s getting lol. Everyone else tho you’re right.
I like Lewis at OLB and especially in the 2 DTs / 2 DEs rush package. Landman has to play. OLBs are situational.
Saw 3 LB's on the field at one time. Plus Taylor. Me likey
Things that impressed me the most during the scrimmage.
- The female trainer that was assisting on the field... she's an athlete and really put out a good effort today.
- The pair that were doing the stair workout in the southwest corner of the stadium. They were truly impressive; displayed an amazing level of fitness.

Oh, and I do like the ball Noyer throws... the line doesn't block as well with Bisharat has the ball (he did show a little more move than I remember seeing before)... if they can keep that kind of tempo in a game, they will gas any DL they face, ours was and they live at altitude.

Beautiful day in Boulder, not much of a shock there.
Just to add to the observations...

Landman is an absolute stud against the run. Diagnoses the play really quickly and plays downhill. Probably going to lead to some mistakes, but that dude is fun to watch. Nobody really stood out to me at OLB. Getting all 3 inside guys in the game makes a lot of sense.

There is honestly very little difference between the 1st group they put out at WR and the 2nd group and even the 3rd group Crazy deep. I didn't watch Kabion much, but he did have a great block that sprung McMIllan on that checkdown swing pass that went the distance.

Drake is a good football coach. I sat right behind the defense and he was teaching and motivating the entire time. His guys love him. For my money, Antwine is at least in the conversation for the best dlineman...in short bursts. He got gassed pretty fast, but was a stud when he was fresh. Javy is better, but unless Pursell is in the top half of centers in the conference, we are still in a little trouble there.

Oline is rice paper thin. Pursell looked great, Lynott looked good, and Tonz and Haigler were solid. Revolving door at LT with Sherman getting a ton of reps. He is going to be a player. Saw Moretti in the drill stuff, but never saw him in during the scrimmage. There are a lot of guys in this group that need to get recruited over quick. They flat can't play.

TE is what it is. Bounds just does his job. Poplawski is definitely still limping. I don't know his name but the walk-on te with the long hair is getting a lot of run and the dude was all over the place. Not sure what the scholly situation is, but that guy has to be in the mix if there is one available.

Ditto what Bread said on the QB's. It was nice to get visual proof of what we have been hearing about Montez in terms of going through his progressions.

DB's didn't look great, but I think that had a lot to do with 6 not being out there. There was some confusion and a lot of looking around after plays. Abrams is SKINNY. You can definitely see why Maddox had shoulder problems. Dude brings it. They need a couple of more weeks of practice for sure, but with everyone healthy, I think they are going to be strong.

To me, rb goes Evans, McMillan, and who knows. We are going to miss Phil making that one cut and going. McMillan is more of a long strider. Evans has more burst. Neither seem particularly fast. Fontenot seems more like Travon in style, but he was LOST in pass pro. Can't play if you can't do that.

Beautiful day in Folsom!
Saw 3 LB's on the field at one time. Plus Taylor. Me likey
Was Lewis out there at the same time with Gamboa and Landman multiple times? That could be very interesting and I like it! But also wondering if that means they don’t think Callier can be a every down kind of guy?
Came away thinking we should see a solid jump on defense. Easily the deepest that side of the ball has been in a very long time. The coaches should be able to use players situationally and effectively.

We also know the special teams should be good to great.

The offense is a work in progress and I am not sure a big jump is in the cards. Montez looks better. The WRs look the part. But we major depth issues everywhere else IMO. The OL may be the thinnest area on the team.
Came away thinking we should see a solid jump on defense. Easily the deepest that side of the ball has been in a very long time. The coaches should be able to use players situationally and effectively.

We also know the special teams should be good to great.

The offense is a work in progress and I am not sure a big jump is in the cards. Montez looks better. The WRs look the part. But we major depth issues everywhere else IMO. The OL may be the thinnest area on the team.
Agree with all the above. Although with the offense I think the receivers are just gonna make plays in the beginning when not everyone is on the same page. A bit more explosive right from the start this year but not a major jump. I think 6 games in though when/if things come together there could be a very noticeable jump
Was Lewis out there at the same time with Gamboa and Landman multiple times? That could be very interesting and I like it! But also wondering if that means they don’t think Callier can be a every down kind of guy?
Callier is situational player. So are Falo and Wells.
Agree with all the above. Although with the offense I think the receivers are just gonna make plays in the beginning when not everyone is on the same page. A bit more explosive right from the start this year but not a major jump. I think 6 games in though when/if things come together there could be a very noticeable jump

All contingent on the line staying completely healthy.