Gotta eat them to get the most fulmer cup pointsFelony charges and picked up for possession...yet his playing status is “up in the air” for Saturday. What does one do at kNU to be suspended indefinitely - kill someone, then bring them back to life, kill them again, and dismember and burn the remains?
Nebraska is currently #2 in Fulmer Cup standings (FBS).Gotta eat them to get the most fulmer cup points
Gotta eat them to get the most fulmer cup points
Wasn’t Matt “the Turman-ator” Turman a walk-on, and won out against high Big-8 competition?
Man you guys love using any exception to the rule to “prove your point” go back to high school statistics class, ya need to for real.
Frost still has not had the full opportunity to load the team with real talent, and yes he is the savior, you watch!
Man you guys love using any exception to the rule to “prove your point” go back to high school statistics class, ya need to for real. #BuffLogic
Frost still has not had the full opportunity to load the team with real talent, and yes he is the savior, you watch!
He's a ginger, ya devil worshipper.Man you guys love using any exception to the rule to “prove your point” go back to high school statistics class, ya need to for real. #BuffLogic
Frost still has not had the full opportunity to load the team with real talent, and yes he is the savior, you watch!
FIFYIt’s much better, that other shirt is so dumb. You’re really reaching when you come from one of the ugliest states in America and make a shirt that says Colorado is ugly lol.
If I could photo shop I’d make my own. The good? A photo of their sister. The bad? 62-36. The ugly? Their Moms!
It’s much better, that other shirt is so dumb. You’re really reaching when you come from one of the ugliest states in America and make a shirt that says Colorado is ugly lol.
If I could photo shop I’d make my own. The good? A photo of their sister. The bad? 62-36. The ugly? Their fans.
Man you guys love using any exception to the rule to “prove your point” go back to high school statistics class, ya need to for real. #BuffLogic
Frost still has not had the full opportunity to load the team with real talent, and yes he is the savior, you watch!
Man you guys love using any exception to the rule to “prove your point” go back to high school statistics class, ya need to for real. #BuffLogic
Frost still has not had the full opportunity to load the team with real talent, and yes he is the savior, you watch!
“CU didn’t kill Nebraska!!”
“Scott Frost is the savior!!”
Savior of what exactly? So you’re admitting we embarrassed your program and you’ve been average ever since? Good, only took ya 18 years.
Mate? Come the raw prawn!The exception? Wasn’t that team loaded with walk-on talent? Isn’t that what was part of the allure of Nub football in the 90’s? Sorry mate, but stats doesn’t work imaginary bull**** values, but keep pressing the feed’s highly entertaining and concerning all at once.
Don’t the shepherd’s usually have dogs to herd the ‘prositutes’ out of the bars in FoCo?Nahhh brahhh. I would though. Lincoln is nice. Colorado is nice too, 23% tax on the weed is a little jacked though. But true story: last time me and the boys were there we literally chased a small prostitution ring out of a bar in Ft. Collins by acting like undercover cops. The bouncers suspected them as well. It was HILARIOUS!
Nahhh brahhh. I would though. Lincoln is nice. Colorado is nice too, 23% tax on the weed is a little jacked though. But true story: last time me and the boys were there we literally chased a small prostitution ring out of a bar in Ft. Collins by acting like undercover cops. The bouncers suspected them as well. It was HILARIOUS!
This was all a misunderstanding. The women were recent grads, but to be fair, all csu women look a little slutty and will likely end up as prostitutes. On the other hand, professionals have standards and there's no way they'd **** a nub. So huskertroll begging them to take his money as the women fled while saying, "no, gross" is how things actually went down.
One of my former co-workers played soccer up there-solid 9.
Lawrence Phillips former girlfriend likely disagreesMan you guys love using any exception to the rule to “prove your point” go back to high school statistics class, ya need to for real. #BuffLogic
Frost still has not had the full opportunity to load the team with real talent, and yes he is the savior, you watch!
Lol I think we’re all joking about that. I would hope we all know there are some hotties anywhere but Nebraska you go, CSEWW included.
Not sure if this was already talked about, but it is very weird that there is no talk about suspensions of some kind for all the Nebraska kids that got caught with weed, or other transgressions? Even though the authorities did not officially press charges, there was no doubt that they were caught and since they are only playing a weak ass team in game #1, it would seem to be a good time to suspend those kids for a quarter or something like that? Frost does not look like he is going to do anything more than use the Tom Osborne punishment philosophy which is to pray for them, and keep the kids involved, so they do not turn into worse apples!!! Frost wants to and must win, so doing it 100% clean and right is out the door. The Nebraska fans will not likely care much anyway as they want to win again as well!
Not sure if this was already talked about, but it is very weird that there is no talk about suspensions of some kind for all the Nebraska kids that got caught with weed, or other transgressions? Even though the authorities did not officially press charges, there was no doubt that they were caught and since they are only playing a weak ass team in game #1, it would seem to be a good time to suspend those kids for a quarter or something like that? Frost does not look like he is going to do anything more than use the Tom Osborne punishment philosophy which is to pray for them, and keep the kids involved, so they do not turn into worse apples!!! Frost wants to and must win, so doing it 100% clean and right is out the door. The Nebraska fans will not likely care much anyway as they want to win again as well!
Well the kid that has felony charges pending in CA, got busted with “paraphernalia”, but is still practicing and will have a game time decision. Everyone I know here in Omaha is downplaying all occurrences like it’s no big deal.
Some other kids were caught with weed, but for some reason news reports were calling it hemp. Now, I don’t know too many kids rolling around with hemp...but I wasn’t there, so I can’t play it up.
Nothing on the two kids that were suspended indefinitely. Nothing rowdy seem to have went down in Lincoln to cause a big story...and word is lightning fast in the social media age. If a kid being brought up on felony charges - that is also caught with contraband - is still “on the team”, I’d hate to know what kids that get suspended indefinitely have done...