The committee is already a farce. I don't know why they even bothered interviewing Corrigan on GameDay this morning. In the few minutes he was on there he said absolutely nothing. And it's the same with the basketball selection committee, they never give anything of any substance in these pre and post-selection interviews. Maybe if they had some transparency they wouldn't get so much grief.
If UGA and FSU go on to win tonight the committe basically has it pretty easy and can just put in the 4 undefeated conference champs. Which is totally fine and is the least objectionable option, if not almost fully warranted. But if they do that just don't come out and feed us some bull**** that you put the 4 best teams in because that would absolutely not be the case. If they truly want the 4 best in this situation then it would be UGA, Michigan, UW and Texas.
The 4 best arguments are always comically easy to pick apart.
If FSU is not the same team now, without Travis, then you have to acknowledge that Texas' signature win over early season Bama means less than beating December Bama. That early season Bama team was barely edging out USF.
If you look at it in terms of most impressive loss, then Ohio State needs to be next up, because they were one bounce of the ball or big play away from beating Michigan, and Michigan is probably better than Oklahoma or Texas so you put tOSU ahead of Texas and Bama.
Yeah, FSU with or without Travis is probably in the 8th to 12th best range, but so is Washington if you think Sagarin rankings get it right, and they beat Oregon twice.
That's maybe 10% of the logical, cluster****, transitive property, arguments you could make for or against any team.
Thank jeebus the 4 team playoff is over after this season.
There will still be calls made at #9 through #15? #18? that won't be objectively indisputable, but at least in a year like this where there's at least 8 teams who would have a decent shot at winning any game on a neutral field, you're cutting out some almost legit teams instead of some legit teams.