Longhorns "sharing out third tier rights is non-negotiable".
Dodds: "We are who we are. People say what they say. The outcome is the outcome. We're proud of ourselves."
Best thing that can happen now is that B12 picks up 3 more schools so they can stay together. Hopefully this ends the dominoes falling and puts some stability back into college football, not to mention keeps some tradition and regional rivalries strong. In a perfect world, they pick up TCU, Houston and SMU which keep the conference respectable and regional. That should also give birth to some new rivalries that will hopefully give the conference some sticking power for the long term too.
I love how these folks are blaming CU for this.Heck if anything I blame USC. If they could figure out how to convert a 4th and 1 with Reggie Bush and Lendale White in the backfield instead of running a Leinart sneak they get to run out the clock in the '06 BCS Champ. Then just maybe the Texas ego is taken down a notch and hopefully realize that their football program is a glorified VT that can win anything but the big game. Then hopefully no LHN to start this mess.
lmao...the hubris continues. You know it wasn't that many years ago fUCLA was bending Bevo over 66-3...it will happen again, I hope soon.Longhorns "sharing out third tier rights is non-negotiable".
Dodds: "We are who we are. People say what they say. The outcome is the outcome. We're proud of ourselves."
****ing drama queens. love the ESPN threat. I bet LS laughed and told them to enjoy their 300 million sinkhole.Some rumors I'm hearing from TTU sources:
CU, ASU, UA, and Stan were the blocking schools
UT threatened legal action against TTU if they left without UT
ESPN threatened Larry Scott that they wouldn't renegotiate the TV contract if Pac didn't take UT
I think it's this type of thing that went a long way to poison any deal. The PAC and BIG are different than the other conferences. Taking 3 schools that aren't AAU members, have very different cultures & fanbases, and don't even respect west coast attitudes was a major issue.
And really, where was the "cultural fit" clique when az and asu joined? Are they a cultural fit now?Why are issues such as these as such a major issue? I don't see how having this big lovefest with other conference member fanbases is important, or even desirable for that matter. And the need to "respect west coast attitudes" could easily come off as sounding arrogant if that's how many of the Pac schools truly feel.
Why are issues such as these as such a major issue? I don't see how having this big lovefest with other conference member fanbases is important, or even desirable for that matter. And the need to "respect west coast attitudes" could easily come off as sounding arrogant if that's how many of the Pac schools truly feel.
Why are issues such as these as such a major issue? I don't see how having this big lovefest with other conference member fanbases is important, or even desirable for that matter. And the need to "respect west coast attitudes" could easily come off as sounding arrogant if that's how many of the Pac schools truly feel.
I think it's the whole point, actually. Conferences have a certain feel to them, and I'm somewhat enamored with the feel of the Pac-12. I feel that certain schools might change that feel. Face it, the Big 12 didn't feel like the Big 8--and aside from the part where we were winning a lot less--it seemed less fun.
Some rumors I'm hearing from TTU sources:
CU, ASU, UA, and Stan were the blocking schools
UT threatened legal action against TTU if they left without UT
ESPN threatened Larry Scott that they wouldn't renegotiate the TV contract if Pac didn't take UT
lmao...the hubris continues. You know it wasn't that many years ago fUCLA was bending Bevo over 66-3...it will happen again, I hope soon.
Outside of the complaining that OU, UT, and OSU are doing, my guess is that the majority of the complaining from the PAC-12 side is coming from Oregon "fans". Mind you, these Oregon fans are the same ones who just packed away their Florida gear two years ago in order to hop on the Oregon bandwagon after they got distracted by high scoring games and pretty colors. These Oregon fans are the same ones who don't remember the name Rich Brooks, and are pretty sure that college football didn't exist prior to 2005. I'm seeing things out of them claiming that they want to play against better opponents, and that CU and Utah aren't helping on that front. You Oregon fans sure you want to start facing stiffer competition from that region? I'm pretty certain that you're 0-2 so far in calendar year 2011 against teams from that general region. Listen up U of O fans, there are precisely two universities in this conference who are in the top 20 in all time wins, and you ain't one of them. Hell, you have about 50 wins to catch up on to get to Utah. Let the grown ups continue to make the decisions around here, and you guys can keep rummaging through your closet looking for new color combinations to wear for your next game.I love how these folks are blaming CU for this. No, it had nothing to do with you guys. Everybody wants OU and UT in their conference. That's why they had their pick of five different conferences to join, right?
FOX, CBS and who knows how many other s are smiling at the prospect of ESPiN refusing to bid on Pac 12 FB, I bet.Some rumors I'm hearing from TTU sources:
CU, ASU, UA, and Stan were the blocking schools
UT threatened legal action against TTU if they left without UT
ESPN threatened Larry Scott that they wouldn't renegotiate the TV contract if Pac didn't take UT
I give this rant....Outside of the complaining that OU, UT, and OSU are doing, my guess is that the majority of the complaining from the PAC-12 side is coming from Oregon "fans". Mind you, these Oregon fans are the same ones who just packed away their Florida gear two years ago in order to hop on the Oregon bandwagon after they got distracted by high scoring games and pretty colors. These Oregon fans are the same ones who don't remember the name Rich Brooks, and are pretty sure that college football didn't exist prior to 2005. I'm seeing things out of them claiming that they want to play against better opponents, and that CU and Utah aren't helping on that front. You Oregon fans sure you want to start facing stiffer competition from that region? I'm pretty certain that you're 0-2 so far in calendar year 2011 against teams from that general region. Listen up U of O fans, there are precisely two universities in this conference who are in the top 20 in all time wins, and you ain't one of them. Hell, you have about 50 wins to catch up on to get to Utah. Let the grown ups continue to make the decisions around here, and you guys can keep rummaging through your closet looking for new color combinations to wear for your next game.
FOX, CBS and who knows how many other s are smiling at the prospect of ESPiN refusing to bid on Pac 12 FB, I bet.
And really, where was the "cultural fit" clique when az and asu joined? Are they a cultural fit now?
Hearing that Cal was another school that blocked it as well.
And really, where was the "cultural fit" clique when az and asu joined? Are they a cultural fit now?
Why are issues such as these as such a major issue? I don't see how having this big lovefest with other conference member fanbases is important, or even desirable for that matter. And the need to "respect west coast attitudes" could easily come off as sounding arrogant if that's how many of the Pac schools truly feel.
The culture at UA and ASU is a LOT more like UCLA and USC than the culture at OU and UT. UA and ASU are popular choices for California kids that can't get into the UC system. And half of Arizonans fancy themselves as Californians anyway. I acknowledge that the other half of Arizonans fancy themselves as gunslinging border posse members, but most of those Arizonans didn't go to college and don't care about the Pac-12.
The Pac 12 WILL expand if UT agrees to equal revenue sharing.
The University of Texas WILL NEVER agree to equal revenue sharing and the demise of the LHN.
Thus the Pac 12 WILL NOT expand.
This should be very interesting to watch. P12 already has WAY more distributoin than the LHN, and it is a year away from launching.I agree with sentence one. When I first came to this board, I think some of you guys doubted the sincerity of the conference's motives regarding expansion. I think now everyone understands that "equality" isn't just a spiffy motto for this conference.
As far as the 2nd sentence, that's just the current status. However with the Pac no longer moving wholescale into the Texas recruit market and BigEast neutered (possibly even eliminated if TCU is added to the B12), Texass can go into defensive turtle mode for a number of years. But I wouldn't say it would "never" agree to equal revenue sharing. If P12 regional channel revenue exceeds LHN revenue, Texass will change its tune. I think that's Larry's long run plan in bringing Texass to heel.
It may be now, but it wasn't that way when the PAC8 expanded. I lived in Phoenix for about 6 years during the 1980's, and culturally, then, it wasn't like the left coast.
Oh, and I lived in Cali before I moved to Phoenix the first time.
This should be very interesting to watch. P12 already has WAY more distributoin than the LHN, and it is a year away from launching.