file this under "cool story bro"
I understand why you get that impression. techsideline,com (TSL), where I go for my orange & maroon fixes, has that same "threaded" format (part of sportswar group). About 2 years ago, they started the change to a vbulletin format (which is what we have at AB). TSL members screamed, yelled, pissed, moaned, wailed and gnashed teeth. I was kinda shocked -- surly a bunch of grads from an engineering school wouldn't be struggling with a new web page format!?!?!?! Turns out that the format of a message board is very influential on the types of discussions -- members weren't complaining about the new technology, they were complaining about the format of their discussions changing. Biggest difference was that posts became longer and more drawn out, less one-liners; also harder to follow a back and forth discussion on vbulletin than it is on the other format. After a few months, the hit count on TSL started dropping -- BIG TIME. So much so, that techsideline made a knee jerk reaction that really hurt them -- they split the board in two: a threaded one and a vbulletin based one. in hindsight, everyone agrees that move was horrible, but it made some sense at the time. they eventually dropped the vbulletin based board and went back to the unaesthetic, old-school threaded format.
file this under "even less interesting than the above"
techsideline's move to vbulletin probably had more to do with me initially joining AB over netbuffs than anything else -- at the time, I figured that I'd be active on both a CU and a VT site, and also reasoned that if they both used the same platform I'd be most proficient with my sports message board navigating. However, shortly after my Allbuffs immersion, TSL switched back to the old format but I was hooked on (and probably contributing to) the fumes rising from the Allbuffs cesspool by that point.