Since it also has schedule info, I'll also probably put a link to this article in the off-season skiing thread, but also want to post it here since there's info on the 8 newest skiing Buffs.
Note - 1 of the 8,
Sky Kelsey, is actually a transfer (from Alaska- Anchorage), but since he's included in this article, I'll also note his joining the Buffs here rather than only in the transfer thread.
Official welcome and congrats to all of them!
Direct link to article -
Just pulling the summary info lines for each of the new Buffs from the article (which of course also contains a couple paragraphs for each with more info- I've moved them into order by type of skier (alpine or nordic) and then gender) -
Women's alpine-
Katie Fleckenstein, 5-8, Fr., HS, Whistler, British Columbia, Rockridge Secondary, Whistler Mountain Ski Club
Men's alpine-
Louis Fausa, 5-10, Fr., HS, Oslo, Norway, Donski Videregaende Skole, Heming IL
Chase Seymour, 5-9, Fr., HS, Steamboat Springs, Colo., Steamboat Springs, Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club
Women's nordic-
Weronika Kaleta, 5-7, Fr., HS, Kasina Wielka, Poland, Szkola Mistrozostwa Sportowego w Zakopanem, Polish National Team
Ivy Eski, 5-8, Fr., HS, Anchorage, Alaska, West Anchorage, Team Alaska
Men's nordic-
Will Koch, 5-9, Fr., HS, Peru, Vt., Stratton Mountain School, Team USA
Sky Kelsey, 5-10, Jr., TR, Anchorage, Alaska, Frontier Charter School, University of Alaska Anchorage
Oyvind Haugen, 5-8, Fr., HS, Oslo, Norway, Norges Toppidrettsgymnas Gielo/Heming IL
Just a few trivia/ personal notes from my perspective -
- I always love to see younger siblings join any Buff teams (hopefully means they've gotten good to great reports on the school in general, as well as the team and coaches, from their older sibling(s)), so great to see Katie Fleckenstein joining the team. She'll be joining her sister Stef , who will be a junior on the team this year.
- Before becoming more into skiing as I've become more and more into ALL the Buff sports, I mainly only watched nordic/ cross country skiing during the Olympics. Even with that very limited exposure, probably the (ONLY) U.S. name I knew and still remember from those years is Bill Koch (who competed in the 1970's and 80's). Great to see his son Will (who is, per the article, the top ranked American men's nordic recruit this year.) join the team! (Found this article on Will from early this year - .)
- With their inter-connectedness, I'm sure there have been other Buffs in the past who've done both, but in the few years I've managed this thread, can't remember a previous Buff also (and primarily) being a biathlete, so it will be fun to see how Oyvind Haugen's career develops. (Per the article, it sounds like he's spent a lot of (or more) time as a biathlete. For any not aware, the biathlon is the sport where Nordic skiing is combined with target shooting with a rifle.)