Well, good luck with that. Given the monumental eff ups and cowardly, rubber backboned failure to follow any reasonable procedures which gave rise to this, I highly doubt Erickson signed anything without a full legal review and assurances that his *** would not be hanging on the breeze like the enabler Spanier's was.
I know you know people, but this looks like an adult version of the lying and kicking your feet in the air childish tantrum.
On another note, I chuckle at the Paterno families desire to : "get to the truth". Maybe they can join forces wiht OJ while he looks for the real killers.....
I agree with you about Erickson. He MUST have run it by enough Board Members to know he had approval. He couldn't have been that stupid. Maybe he didn't run it by the ardent Joe supporters because he knew it was a lost cause with them.
Erickson has made public statements that he wanted to deemphasize college football and this accomplishes that goal. I still can't figure out why Dan Hawkins wasn't interviewed for the job though. That would be proof of Erickson's intent.