Who tf said csu is a better program than Boise????
Nobody is saying it’s good or bad for CU, just that it’s irrelevant.So what some are saying is that it is bad for CU if CSU (and for what it's worth other in state college football programs ) are weak because strong in state college programs will hurt CU.
So what some are saying is that it is bad for CU if CSU (and for what it's worth other in state college football programs ) are weak because strong in state college programs will hurt CU.
What we're saying is this:So what some are saying is that it is bad for CU if CSU (and for what it's worth other in state college football programs ) are weak because strong in state college programs will hurt CU.
Also,No way, shape or form will CU be ranked ahead of the Huskers this season. LOL! None the less, it sucks to go down in overtime to a top rated team. I'm not sure if Ohio State can be beat in their house, but it will be a great game.
Oh, and it's great to see I'm still rolling around CVilleBuff's head like marbles in a jar. Thanks for the call out. GBR!
What we're saying is this:
Coaching salaries were just one part of a lot of factors I laid out and my argument was that there is no reason CSU should be behind these other schools right now in response to them extending Bobo and giving him a raise when he really hadn't deserved it based on the support he was given and the advantages CSU has compared to the rest of their conference.I give CSU a lot of credit and respect for what they are trying to do in positioning themselves in the arms race.
That said @onealcd has lost his mind. His argument is like saying the Yankees are the best team in baseball because they spend the most.
CSU has overspent year after year and is borrowing against the university. They have NOTHING to show for it besides trips to SEC schools to get their asses beat as part of buyouts and money grabs.
CSU does have the pedigree off the field that is far more attracrive than Boise and most all but SDSU. That said, you have to beat the best to be the best and CSU isn’t even 2nd or 3rd best in their own conference where overspending would be justified, on the field. Dominating a dog **** MWC isn’t even achievable on th gridiron. They have done it off the gridiron but regularly get their asses handed to them in postseason. See their “dominant” women’s programs that can’t get out of the first round of the playoffs.
CSU was Boise back with Sunny L. They were playing nationally televised games on Week nights on ESPN and winning more than their share. It was what made their hero BVP a cult following hero. Then they let their conference chair put together a TV network that no one cared about and pulled all of their games to that network. CSU is a victim of their own conference leadership, which also drove away Utah and BYU with that stupid network. They could have owned ESPN weeknights, but instead are where they are. (Sorry for my annual rant on this subject.)Somehow CSU needs to figure out a way to make people care. Their alumni don't care, the surrounding population doesn't care, even most of their students don't care.
They can keep throwing money at it but unless they can figure out a way to make people care they will be an also ran. This is something that is shared by a number of their conference mates as well. SDSU is in the middle of a huge population base and has little competition for the sports dollar, nobody cares. UNLV, UNM, share the same issues.
No, it wasn't.CSU was Boise back with Sunny L. They were playing nationally televised games on Week nights on ESPN and winning more than their share. It was what made their hero BVP a cult following hero. Then they let their conference chair put together a TV network that no one cared about and pulled all of their games to that network. CSU is a victim of their own conference leadership, which also drove away Utah and BYU with that stupid network. They could have owned ESPN weeknights, but instead are where they are. (Sorry for my annual rant on this subject.)
No, it wasn't.
Sonny had exactly 3 seasons he finished in the Top 25: #14 in 1994, #16 in 1997 and #15 in 2000. He went to a bowl game in 9/15 seasons, winning 3 of the 9 games. The WAC was the first conference to agree to Thursday Night Football on ESPN. That's the only reason for the televised night games. It wasn't because CSU was some national brand.
How that in any way compares to Boise State, I have no idea.
Just compare CSU to Kansas State, Iowa State, Oklahoma State, all those state ag schools and how does CSU stack up against them academically? We will eventually find out how well CSU is paying back the stadium bonds. If CSU is able to do this just fine, their chances of getting a P5 invite will go up and given that the likes of Kansas State, Iowa State, and Oklahoma State are P5 schools, it only helps the argument that CSU should join a P5 conference.
The question is if CSU gets that P5 invite, how will CU respond?