Reset, post-Turkey Day, post-Utah cornholing, post-Todd Graham firing, the second "I have nothing else to do today" post
Filled jobs:
fUCLA- They strike hard and fast, grabbing the brass ring and landing Chip Kelly. h/t Jens.
Oregon St. - Cal OC Beau Baldwin tapped for the job. A good hire IMO. h/t nik
UF- Mullen is in, per ESPN.
Open jobs:
ASU- Graham out. h/t Jens, Pat Narduzzi rumored to be the ready made replacement.
NU- Riley out. h/t Jens. Apparently all in on Frost, after that, who knows? Campbell, Fuente,?
Arky- Bielema out, ****canned as he walked off the field. Nice. Leach and Lane Kiffin getting early run, Malzahn a no go do to his win over Bama.
Kent St.- Paul Haynes out. h/t mdelpizzo
Ga. Southern- Tyson Summers out. Tee Martin has shown interest ( I forget who posted this, so h/t to somebody)
Ole Miss- Hugh Freeze out. Taggart, Strong also mentioned, but IMO unlikely. MikMac keeps coming up and a ton of chatter on the innerwebs about it. UPDATE: SMU's Chad Morris reportedly in Oxford today.
UTEP- Kugler out, Mike Price in for a repeat.
Tennessee- Food Cart out (h/t 89Buff89). Gruden is the brass ring and has met with the AD Currie. Schiano at the top of the list, but Leach rumors persist.
South Alabama- Joey Jones out
Early list of probables:
aTm- Sources are saying Sumlin is done and that aTm will pursue Jimbo Fisher, who is apparently tight with the aTm AD and allegedly Fisher is tired of Tallahassee. I'll believe that when I see it, but there it is. Matt Campbell ISU mentioned. Coaches meeting at 2 p.m. per texags. Allegedly an announcement canning Sumlin later today.
Secondary market:
Miss. St.- Mullen leaves for UF.
Other news:
TCU- Extended GPat trough 2024 h/t nik
TTU- KliffyK safe h/t onealcd
KU- Beaty confirmed to be back next year.
Norvell- dogged by allegations of gambling, again, allegations.