And during the string of football losses they tried to make themselves feel better by saying how much better they would be this year in basketball.
Good stuff, although I have a hard time imagining a safety backing down Christian Peters in a fit of roid rage. Just sayin’ that would be a sight to see.Former nub safety Tyrone Byrd ('89-'93) has been coming to my local bar. He owns a State Farm agency in Aurora. Good guy, friendly, and verified a few stories. Yes, frost hid (in a bathroom, not a closet) during the lawrence phillips incident. He despises frost. Christian peter was a criminal (his words) who also beat his girlfriend. Byrd backed him down because the woman was his friend. peter cowered and slunk away.
The end.
Good stuff, although I have a hard time imagining a safety backing down Christian Peters in a fit of roid rage. Just sayin’ that would be a sight to see.
There’s a lot here, but I wasn’t picking a winner in a fight. Simply stating I have a hard time visualizing that juiced silverback stepping back. That’s all.I'm 6'2" and 210. Never been afraid to fight. I saw tiny Ray Leonard holding up a pillar at the Marriot in New Orleans in 1978 (Ali/ Spinks 2) I'm stupid.
320 pound peter isn't in 220 pound Byrd's league
Nebraska shows Byrd as 6 foot 180 his last year. I don’t buy it either.I'm 6'2" and 210. Never been afraid to fight. I saw tiny Ray Leonard holding up a pillar at the Marriot in New Orleans in 1978 (Ali/ Spinks 2) I'm stupid.
320 pound peter isn't in 220 pound Byrd's league
Byrd would have killed him and the coward knew it.
I buy it. Men who bully women usually aren’t tough enough to stand up to other men, no matter what the sizeNebraska shows Byrd as 6 foot 180 his last year. I don’t buy it either.
Wtf are you talking about? He’s prob not 180 now? I’m telling you what he was when he was talking tough about the Peters brothers. No one in here is claiming to be able to take him. He was a four year blackshirt for the huskers in their prime, of course he’d take most of us.Byrd is no 180. It would be funny if one of you gals gave him a go.
He was a despicable person and a lot of things. I’m not saying Byrd wouldn’t have even worked him. I’m saying 6-3, 300 isn’t fat and he was crazy so he prob wouldn’t have backed down. But if some drunk at your bar says so I’m sure it’s true…..So being a fat pig is the only thing that matters when it comes to a real scrap? Sure, man.
He was a despicable person and a lot of things. I’m not saying Byrd wouldn’t have even worked him. I’m saying 6-3, 300 isn’t fat and he was crazy so he prob wouldn’t have backed down. But if some drunk at your bar says so I’m sure it’s ...
Never met Byrd or Peters but I would believe it. @SBP is right about bullies and some of them aren't used to having people stand up to them and don't know how to handle it.So being a fat pig is the only thing that matters when it comes to a real scrap? Sure, man.
I had a somewhat decent Amateur boxing career. Defensive linemen (linemen in general) are ridiculously hard matchups for anyone that isn't trained. Hell even for a lot of trained fighters they would be difficult. Outside of being huge guys they have long arms and understand how to use their legs and hips to drive power in their upper half. About the scariest matchup that you can imagine. Don't **** with them.There’s a lot here, but I wasn’t picking a winner in a fight. Simply stating I have a hard time visualizing that juiced silverback stepping back. That’s all.
DLinemen have notoriously good hands BTW
And the fusker football program was capable of covering up, ignoring, minimizing, or buy off for him, his brothers, and other players to keep them in uniform.Peter was capable of whipping 125 pound women, though.
Sure, clown. I've been in enough scraps myself to know who's serious and who's not. This guy isn't a bragart.
He’s telling stories about how tough he was 30 years ago to a random guy in a bar in Colorado? Doesn’t sound like it…Sure, clown. I've been in enough scraps myself to know who's serious and who's not. This guy isn't a bragart.
I literally said he’s despicable.So funny how criminal peter has worshipers here.
How long have you and your buddy Byrd been at the bar? You’re just repeating the same nonsensical BS nowSo funny how criminal peter has worshipers here.
He can beat any woman's ass if she's under 125..
Lol def wasn’t trying to start a fight. Just trying to call what i feel is BS. That being said it’s possible as Byrds last year at Nebraska when he was a senior peters was a true freshmen. Maybe i should apologize?I do see a square-off between Bombay and Brock in the near future. Casa Bonita seems like a good bet.