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Other games 11/23-11/25

There's got to be a better way to do this. Let him address the team in the locker room, thank his seniors, etc. Amateur hour of how you treat a coach imho.

That is freaking savage...
It's fun for us to say on a fan level "leave him at the airport" or fire him at halftime...but we're fans and pretty nonsensical. That is definitely a bad way to handle that situation.
There's got to be a better way to do this. Let him address the team in the locker room, thank his seniors, etc. Amateur hour of how you treat a coach imho.

Super classy of Arkansas, that’s deplorable. Let him finish his season and bring him in on Monday for a meeting.
Super classy of Arkansas, that’s deplorable. Let him finish his season and bring him in on Monday for a meeting.
Or inform him well ahead of the game so that he can announce it to the team after the game. No way that Arkansas was waiting to see if they won before deciding whether to retain him.
That was so much fun. I love college football.

I was thinking about this as this game turned out to be so entertaining and exciting. I have no real interest in either of these teams and this game has no effect on the playoff, yet it turned out to be a great game that you couldn't turn away from and the atmosphere was incredibly intense the whole time. Contrast this to the NFL games from yesterday which were ho-hum at best (from what I heard because I watched a grand total of maybe 1 hour of NFL action yesterday)
Iowa has some nice offensive talent, cannot understand their struggles in some games.

One of Iowa's best players is Noah Fant, the TE from Omaha that Nebraska wanted really bad and needed to show they could still recruit at home. He was the #2 in-state recruit and chose Iowa because they showed the most interest and commitment to him. He tore them up, and is a future NFL Tight End. Huskers have really messed up the recruiting connections in Nebraska and it will take a guy like Frost to get them back. It is an honor to go out of state now for the few Nebraska kids that are worth a crap. I hate that a handful of Colorado kids are going to Nebraska, that needs to stop!
Or inform him well ahead of the game so that he can announce it to the team after the game. No way that Arkansas was waiting to see if they won before deciding whether to retain him.

This too. That’s just pathetic and i hope other coaches take into consideration how they’ll be treated if they don’t win.
There's got to be a better way to do this. Let him address the team in the locker room, thank his seniors, etc. Amateur hour of how you treat a coach imho.

Do we know if they gave him the chance to talk to the team, post-game?

If yes, and he did, then I don't have too much of a problem with this. If he didn't, or they didn't say it was okay AND he didn't ask to do so, then shame on him.
I’m sitting here getting ready for the game and being amped all day and i realized the games on tomorrow. I’m so used to this day and so used to being off Saturdays i never questioned it happening. Makes more sense why it shows call playing at 8:30. Damn.
Kliff benching his starter for the last game of the season looks more and more baffling.
If CU wins tomorrow where would they go? Sun bowl? With our _efense I'd really hate to get matched up with a high powered offense from the Big 12 - 2 carry the one and sometimes Y. But I guess at this point, anything is better than nothing.
If CU wins tomorrow where would they go? Sun bowl? With our _efense I'd really hate to get matched up with a high powered offense from the Big 12 - 2 carry the one and sometimes Y. But I guess at this point, anything is better than nothing.
Independence bowl isn't normally a Pac-12 bowl. Our bottom one is Cactus and the one above that is Las Vegas.