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Other games 11/23-11/25

I like the Red Raiders for some reason. Hope they beat the geldings.
I think anyone that would purposefully live in Lubbock should be examined by mental health professionals...and put on a gov't watch list. But I do hope they beat the shorthorns...Eff Uterus in the face.
That play is why targeting is in the game and the refs missed it. Of course.
I think anyone that would purposefully live in Lubbock should be examined by mental health professionals...and put on a gov't watch list. But I do hope they beat the shorthorns...Eff Uterus in the face.
**** city in a **** state but I like team. No idea why. Lol.
Texas offense is trash.
4 and 5 stars at every position and they can't get it figured out. It's really hard to come up with a University that has more going for it than Uterus, and yet they fail epically every single year. If Mack wouldn't have had College QB Jesus in 2005 they would be approaching 50 years without a title. Amazing considering the money and talent hotbed they have. Oh and Bevo sucks too.
Ironically we moved to Lubbock in the spring. It's obviously not for everyone but it's very affordable, the people are nice and there is enough going on to stay busy while raising a family. People love to **** on it but I think it's been great so far
Ironically we moved to Lubbock in the spring. It's obviously not for everyone but it's very affordable, the people are nice and there is enough going on to stay busy while raising a family. People love to **** on it but I think it's been great so far
Each to their own my friend. I can't say much. I live in a suburb of OKC. Yeah the cost of living is great, but you really stay for the wonderful roads and scenic views.
Why do the FS1 announcers keep thinking it's mystery as to what possible injury Rosen has? He was clearly slammed to the ground and landed on his throwing shoulder (although the sack tackle was completely legal) ... WTF is the mystery? Either he's legitimately injured, or he and his coaches have concluded that it could be disastrous for his NFL future if he continued to play.

And speaking of injuries ... I perused the ESPN site for any update on the Miss St. QB whose ankle took a grotesque turn last night, and couldn't find a word. An in-game update said the he had "an ankle injury." Gee ... ya think?
Folks in Austin not gonna like this...

I'm going to end up sounding like Grandpa Simpson yelling at kids to get off my lawn, but I really hate that trend in CFB. It's happened a few times this year and it just looks bush league IMO. But, it's a game played by young men with high emotion...so, whatever. Anytime a dirt burglar fan talks about how cool it was when Baker Manzielfield did it at Ohio State I remind them that if I had done that on their field in 2001 for Bedlam I wouldn't be able to walk to the mailbox without getting attacked by a fan. They typically agree and we move on. Oh well. Back to removing teenagers from my yard.
Still lots of game left, but UCLA really looks like they want to go bowling. Cal is performing pretty well and trying hard but just seem to not have all the pieces yet. I haven't noticed a ton of personal fouls either...Mora must have taken those with him.
Cal may win this. I’m so conflicted because I hate UCLA, but agree with Nik that we don’t want to have tougher competition with Cal for recruits
Stupid, stupid play by UCLA #22 to give Cal a 1st down when they were 3rd and 14 at the outer edge or beyond FG range.
Lol...Cal gonna Cal. Interesting that 2 seconds came off the clock when it should have been 1 second at most...if even that
Looks like a CU fan feature story is coming up on Gameday. Those that can view do so...probably involves tears, sorrow and then happiness and triumph. Gameday features generally do.