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Prime is Polarizing

So why is Fox News running a story about this again? What do you think they hope to accomplish?
They ran the story because the internet, and its economic model, turned the news cycle into an industrial sized cluster **** of printer go brrrrr. WaPo published 10,580 "individual things" (etc that is) in may of 2018... Fox hopes to accomplish what all the TV networks hope, rage+ocd+adhd+gullibility induced clicks = more money
Yet, what do the "real news" people see, well...if you think WaPo is releasing 300 stories a day without error then I have a bridge to sell ya
The sooner you get into the pol\rel forum the better off we'll all be.
Stop bullying the autistic kid you bigot
They ran the story because the internet, and its economic model, turned the news cycle into an industrial sized cluster **** of printer go brrrrr. WaPo published 10,580 "individual things" (etc that is) in may of 2018... Fox hopes to accomplish what all the TV networks hope, rage+ocd+adhd+gullibility induced clicks = more money
Yet, what do the "real news" people see, well...if you think WaPo is releasing 300 stories a day without error then I have a bridge to sell ya

Stop bullying the autistic kid you bigot
I always thought that sometimes you were being deliberately obtuse just to set up one of your smarmy remarks, but am starting to realize there is nothing deliberate about it.
You should stop using words that you don’t know. I understand your point. People like you just don’t like it when others call out your moronic and harmful statements.
HCDS is polarizing.

Unlike HCKD, where we all were in happy agreement with our assessment.

I like polarizing.
I prefer pole erizing
pole dancing GIF
nothing new, just noting r/cfb has got a thread on this now

Maybe I missed it in the F*x article, but I inferred that the First Liberty Institute had just fired off a letter to CU on its own to get a little publicity. This article says specifically that CP had retained counsel there and the letter was sent on his behalf. Hopefully nothing more comes of it, but if this article is accurate he is prepared to fight.
I kind of don’t want to say it, but if the article is accurate, and he had the letter sent after he had had his training, then CP is not 100% on board with having CU tell him when, where, and how he can pray.
CU isn't and wouldn't tell him those things. They would tell him that prayer can't be an official part of school business that could create coercive or discriminatory effects.

CP can pray as much as he wants and when he wants. He can't tell everyone before a meeting to pray
CU isn't and wouldn't tell him those things. They would tell him that prayer can't be an official part of school business that could create coercive or discriminatory effects.

CP can pray as much as he wants and when he wants. He can't tell everyone before a meeting to pray
Thanks. I don’t know what the training would entail. Still seems like if he really did hire a lawyer and have that letter sent after his training, there was something he wasn’t happy with.
CU isn't and wouldn't tell him those things. They would tell him that prayer can't be an official part of school business that could create coercive or discriminatory effects.

CP can pray as much as he wants and when he wants. He can't tell everyone before a meeting to
There are a lot of parties involved.

FFRF is the organization that complained. Perhaps staff/students also complained directly to the school, but that would be confidential. For now we have to assume this is an external complaint.

OIEC is the office on campus who handles it. They take complaints, and process them. They range from sexual assault, discrimination, interpersonal issues, and more. Sometimes that is mediation, sometimes training, sometimes that expulsion/termination, and sometimes that is escalating and participating in civil or criminal legal proceedings.

All we know right now is that OIEC had a follow-up training with CP, and the University said it went well and CP understands and respects everyone.

This article is the first I have seen that CP has additional counsel. I think it is a leap to assume there is friction between CU and CP. This may just be CP covering his bases, and I doubt CU has any issue, or disagreement with what was quoted in that article.

I will also add that the website linked isn't exactly unbiased. They have a vested interest in portraying CP has the victim to continue to feed the feeling and outrage that Christianity is 'under attack'. It also has a variety of errors, such as 'Colorado University's and the claim that the complaint is about praying before games... Which haven't happened obviously.

Here is what I CAN tell you. CU steps on their dicks a lot, so I understand it has a well-earned reputation. But most of the outrage against the institution is inaccurate. CU has no institutional or administrative agenda to attack Christianity - or any other religion. CU is fine with people praying and CU respects a variety of religions. You can walk around the UMC most weekdays and see all kinds of exercises of free speech and religion, bordering on cult-like with some groups.

What CU does take very seriously - in my opinion - is ensuring people of all religions, colors, genders, and abilities have free, safe and equal access to their education or place of work.

Maybe ya'll think they are too sensitive (I don't agree), but that is all they are trying to do. They aren't trying to stifle CP - but they have to balance the needs and diversity of many people. That is especially important when dealing with a powerful and influential person who people may not feel comfortable or safe challenging.

So, I guess I just think that sometimes people need to cut the school a break

/End rant
CU isn't and wouldn't tell him those things. They would tell him that prayer can't be an official part of school business that could create coercive or discriminatory effects.

CP can pray as much as he wants and when he wants. He can't tell everyone before a meeting to pray
Here’s my bottom line on this:
Pray as much as you want. If players and coaches want to do so as well fine.

But if playing time is affected, or kids are forced into a prayer session (and punished if they don’t go) - I don’t care how awesome the team is, I’m going to have a problem with it.

As a non-Christian in the military, I have dealt with **** like this my entire career - forced to listen to prayers and yelled at if I didn’t (nightly prayer in the ship, every Winging / Change of Command / Retirement Ceremony / Dining Out / “Christmas Party”).
And when I politely mention, “hey can we not use ‘Jesus’?” it was met with a “don’t be so sensitive” or “what are you, a communist”. For a majority of people, it’s probably no big deal. For some of us, there’s almost nothing more infuriating.

I am at a point now in my career where I can dictate the religious aspect - I specifically cut out the chaplain at my changes of command and winging ceremonies (much to dismay of the planners) and I would **** off the 1MC in the tower during the nightly prayer as the Air Boss (turns out, the crew up there eventually came to appreciate it and would turn it off on their own).
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Here’s my bottom line on this:
Pray as much as you want. If players and coaches want to do so as well fine.

But if playing time is affected, or kids are forced into a prayer session (and punished if they don’t go) - I don’t care how awesome the team is, I’m going to have a problem with it.

As a non-Christian in the military, I have dealt with **** like this my entire career - forced to listen to prayers and yelled at if I didn’t (nightly prayer in the ship, every Winging / Change of Command / Retirement Ceremony / Dining Out / “Christmas Party”).
And when I politely mention, “hey can we not use ‘Jesus’?” it was met with a “don’t be so sensitive” or “what are you, a communist”. For a majority of people, it’s probably no big deal. For some of us, there’s almost nothing more infuriating.

I am at a point now in my career where I can dictate the religious aspect - I specifically cut out the chaplain at my changes of command and winging ceremonies (much to dismay of the planners) and I would **** of the 1MC in the tower during the nightly prayer as the Air Boss (turns out, the crew up there eventually came to appreciate it and would turn it off on their own).
I can't remember if you did major joint staff tours overseas, but it's about one-hundred times worse when dealing with the Air Force and Army. The big show of praying before chow and the prominently displayed ACU bibles on the desk. Very evangelical in those services.

It wasn't too bad in my little corner of HC/HSC Naval aviation (and I did a number of deployments on USNS, so it was never brought up with those weirdo heathens). But there were always a few religious pilots in our squadrons, and we knew who they were.

I've told this story before I think. It was my hail 'n bail from my super-JO tour and the guy who said his goodbyes before me totally went Pentacostal - barely stopping short of speaking in tongues - "oh yay, lord Jesus, all of you please pray with me...Lord Jesus please bless this great squadron and watch after..."

So I was up next, and when the Skipper handed me the mic, he said, "Do NOT ****ing pray..."
Here’s my bottom line on this:
Pray as much as you want. If players and coaches want to do so as well fine.

But if playing time is affected, or kids are forced into a prayer session (and punished if they don’t go) - I don’t care how awesome the team is, I’m going to have a problem with it.

As a non-Christian in the military, I have dealt with **** like this my entire career - forced to listen to prayers and yelled at if I didn’t (nightly prayer in the ship, every Winging / Change of Command / Retirement Ceremony / Dining Out / “Christmas Party”).
And when I politely mention, “hey can we not use ‘Jesus’?” it was met with a “don’t be so sensitive” or “what are you, a communist”. For a majority of people, it’s probably no big deal. For some of us, there’s almost nothing more infuriating.

I am at a point now in my career where I can dictate the religious aspect - I specifically cut out the chaplain at my changes of command and winging ceremonies (much to dismay of the planners) and I would **** of the 1MC in the tower during the nightly prayer as the Air Boss (turns out, the crew up there eventually came to appreciate it and would turn it off on their own).
Thank you for sharing this, when do God and War not fit together in the history of mankind trying to kill each other? Seems so contradictory.

I can't remember if you did major joint staff tours overseas, but it's about one-hundred times worse when dealing with the Air Force and Army. The big show of praying before chow and the prominently displayed ACU bibles on the desk. Very evangelical in those services.

It wasn't too bad in my little corner of HC/HSC Naval aviation (and I did a number of deployments on USNS, so it was never brought up with those weirdo heathens). But there were always a few religious pilots in our squadrons, and we knew who they were.

I've told this story before I think. It was my hail 'n bail from my super-JO tour and the guy who said his goodbyes before me totally went Pentacostal - barely stopping short of speaking in tongues - "oh yay, lord Jesus, all of you please pray with me...Lord Jesus please bless this great squadron and watch after..."

So I was up next, and when the Skipper handed me the mic, he said, "Do NOT ****ing pray..."
I did the NATO thing in Lisbon, no one really threw it out there. At SOCOM they were more interested in doomsday prepping. But every squadron I’ve been in, there’s been those born again JOs they are always asked to give a prayer before random sqdn events - picnics, dining outs, quarters.
madeline kahn flames GIF
The proof is going to be in the results. If Prime can bring the team together then he will be successful. If not... he won't be. If he doesn't, I don't want to consider CU's Athletic budget.
talking to my wife last night about the magic Sanders is performing.

me: "he's changing the game -- none of the old rules apply. His force of personality and brand is attracking the greatest football players.... he's convinced assistant coaches to take lateral steps or even steps down the ladder to come work with him. he's completely changing the way things work...using social media to further his goals in ways nobody else is..."
Mags: and no big time coaching experience
me: RIGHT!
Mags: not dissimiliar to Trump
me: o_O
me: there are some simularities
talking to my wife last night about the magic Sanders is performing.

me: "he's changing the game -- none of the old rules apply. His force of personality and brand is attracking the greatest football players.... he's convinced assistant coaches to take lateral steps or even steps down the ladder to come work with him. he's completely changing the way things work...using social media to further his goals in ways nobody else is..."
Mags: and no big time coaching experience
me: RIGHT!
Mags: not dissimiliar to Trump
me: o_O
me: there are some simularities
Ya know, Whiskey is like 20-30% water, so they are also not too dissimilar from each other
Ya know, Whiskey is like 20-30% water, so they are also not too dissimilar from each other
I didn't mean to paint a picture of comparing the people, so much as comparing their approaches and strategies.

I probably could have phrased it better.