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Sandusky update (more evidence against Joe P)

In the month I've been on AllBuffs, I've found out that I have "Hate" issues with:
- Rednecks
- Paragraphs

This has been an eye opening experience! Before the only things that I knew I hated were pincher bugs & John Travolta

Thanks AllBuffs! I'm on the road to either personal enlightenment or a life as a drunk who lives under a viaduct!
In the month I've been on AllBuffs, I've found out that I have "Hate" issues with:
- Rednecks
- Paragraphs

This has been an eye opening experience! Before the only things that I knew I hated were pincher bugs & John Travolta

Thanks AllBuffs! I'm on the road to either personal enlightenment or a life as a drunk who lives under a viaduct!
Just be happy you get a viaduct. Flounder gets a 140 degree lifeguard stand.
In the month I've been on AllBuffs, I've found out that I have "Hate" issues with:
- Rednecks
- Paragraphs

This has been an eye opening experience! Before the only things that I knew I hated were pincher bugs & John Travolta

Thanks AllBuffs! I'm on the road to either personal enlightenment or a life as a drunk who lives under a viaduct!

In the month I've been on AllBuffs, I've found out that I have "Hate" issues with:
- Rednecks
- Paragraphs

This has been an eye opening experience! Before the only things that I knew I hated were pincher bugs & John Travolta

Thanks AllBuffs! I'm on the road to either personal enlightenment or a life as a drunk who lives under a viaduct!

I like this guy. Rep for a good start.

And I agree with his take on this situation.
Death Penalty. They need to nuke the place from orbit. The top level leadership of PSU knowingly harbored a pedophile for 13 years!!! Why? To protect the "Program" and JoePa's legacy. They let that monster Sandusky abuse kids in PSU facilities for 13 years after they found out about the assaults. They need to dismantle the program and clean out every vestige of filth. Do it as punishment and as a warning to other institutions that there are things more important than the prestige of your football team or coach.
The NCAA can invoke Code of Ethics or Lack of Institutional Control or whatever. Nuke them and if they have a problem with the the NCAA's jurisdiction let PSU take them to court. I'd love to see some PSU lawyer get in front of a judge and argue "Sure we hid that guy who was shtupping kids but that doesn't mean we don't run a clean program". I think the NCAA should set an example and take action first and worry about jurisdiction later. If someone at PSU would've done this years ago maybe some kids could have been saved from being victims. Blow the place up!!!!

I couldn't believe folks (Matt Millan sp? and other ESPN honks) were saying Penn State ran/runs a clean program. Yeah, besides the institutionalized cover up of child molestation over decades by its most prominent coaches and/or administrators, the program is squeaky clean.
In the month I've been on AllBuffs, I've found out that I have "Hate" issues with:
- Rednecks
- Paragraphs

This has been an eye opening experience! Before the only things that I knew I hated were pincher bugs & John Travolta

Thanks AllBuffs! I'm on the road to either personal enlightenment or a life as a drunk who lives under a viaduct!

Don't sell yourself short. You can have both?
"And I turned 81 in prison, doing life without parole,
No one could steer me right but Joe Pa tried, Joe Pa tried!
Joe Pa tried to make me better but his pleading I denied,
That leaves us both to blame 'cos Joe Pa lied."
I couldn't believe folks (Matt Millan sp? and other ESPN honks) were saying Penn State ran/runs a clean program. Yeah, besides the institutionalized cover up of child molestation over decades by its most prominent coaches and/or administrators, the program is squeaky clean.
The NCAA can come up with something to shut this program down, but they are cowards like Joe Paterno. Funny thing is the independent report that uncovered Paterno's deceit was paid for by Penn State, and now all the Joe Pa apologists are saying it has no creditability.
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Millen is a lunk head.....proved it way before his recent bone head comments regarding Paterno. He drove the Lions into the ground (or further into it), and he is one of the worst football commentators around. A complete boob.
Millen is a lunk head.....proved it way before his recent bone head comments regarding Paterno. He drove the Lions into the ground (or further into it), and he is one of the worst football commentators around. A complete boob.

He has lived off his name since he retired as a player. Terrible coach, worse general manager, without any identifiable value as a broadcaster.

That all said I think he is representative of what went wrong at PSU. When thinking rationally he knows that what happened is sickening and inexcusable but his emotional side will not let him believe that something was rotten to the core at PSU. He may be more prominent but there are thousands of people associated with the program that think that this should all pass by now and things should go back to "normal." This is part of why PSU has to be slapped down, to force the systemic changes to protect against this kind of thing happening again, to not have the same people who run the athletic program having the final call about the values and morals of the athletic department and making choices based on money and public opinion, not what is right.
The NCAA can come up with something to shut this program down, but they are cowards like Joe Paterno. Funny thing is the independent report that uncovered Paterno's deceit was paid for by Penn State, and now all the Joe Pa apologists are saying it has no creditability.

I am afraid this is what will happen--nothing. Those kids deserve better and have deserved better for 13 years.
How can we prevent colleges from doing whatever it takes to win in college football?

The idea of the BCS schools breaking off from the NCAA sounds good since a new organization to deal with all the issues of today's world could be created and have more teeth than the NCAA does today.
Don't get me wrong here. Given the amount of money at stake, do you think people will come out of the woodwork claiming to be a victim? How do you vet out true victims from scammers? What about true victims who have no hard evidence? This is going to get really crazy.
Don't get me wrong here. Given the amount of money at stake, do you think people will come out of the woodwork claiming to be a victim? How do you vet out true victims from scammers? What about true victims who have no hard evidence? This is going to get really crazy.

This is always an issue. We already have a pretty good idea that there were more victims who either didn't testify or who they know about but don't have names for. It is almost impossible to think that there aren't victims who the don't know about.

How does a victim who hasn't already been involved in the process prove he was a victim, how do they identify somebody who isn't a victim but is willing to lie telling a story for money.

Penn State may be willing to pay a bunch of guys who weren't victims just to keep the ones who were out of the news.
Don't get me wrong here. Given the amount of money at stake, do you think people will come out of the woodwork claiming to be a victim? How do you vet out true victims from scammers? What about true victims who have no hard evidence? This is going to get really crazy.

I'm just glad that this is your biggest concern. You know, just so I do not get you wrong.
I'm just glad that this is your biggest concern. You know, just so I do not get you wrong.

My biggest concern is over whether PSU got that shower remodel completed. What's most important right now is that PSU is able to bury the past and move on without overt reminders of what happened.

Writer says Penn State could shut football down for one season so they don't get hit hard by the NCAA. I don't know if that would be done since CU didn't shut down football after that rape scandal.

How the **** can you possibly compare this to the bull**** that CU went through with the alleged "scandal?" It was proven that Simpson was talking out of her ass and it was just a power play by Mary ****ing Keenan to make a name for herself. The whole thing was manufactured for political and authoring (Reilly/Kiszla, I'm looking at you assholes) fame.

Your statement makes it sound like it actually happened, when in fact, it never did.

Sandusky and soon to be many more will be convicted (civilly or criminally) of **** that ACTUALLY HAPPENED. There were NO CONVICTIONS in 2005 and there never will be because it was all manufactured for fame.

PSU's ****storm is nothing like the "scandal" of 2005. I can't believe you would even try to compare the two
My biggest concern is over whether PSU got that shower remodel completed. What's most important right now is that PSU is able to bury the past and move on without overt reminders of what happened.
You are kidding of course - the civil suits will take years before they are all completed.
"Here's a legacy for you. Paterno's cowardice and ego and fears allowed Sandusky to molest at least eight more boys in the years after that 1998 incident -- Victims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10. Just to recap: By not acting, a grown man failed to protect eight boys from years of molestation, abuse and self-loathing, all to save his program the embarrassment. The mother of Victim 1 is "filled with hatred toward Joe Paterno," the victim's lawyer says. "She just hates him, and reviles him." Can you blame her?" ESPN

The civil suits may cost Penn State more than $100 million. I hope they shut down the football program, but the NCAA has no guts.
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