Saw that when it happened live. Horrible decision by that ref. Only thing I can come up with is that the RB must have said something to the ref, after the RB got hit well after the whistle. Regardless, it seems to be a bad call by the ref.This is the worst ejection that I've ever seen. It's also shocking that he's a Pac-12 ref.
This is the worst ejection that I've ever seen. It's also shocking that he's a Pac-12 ref.
Well, the rest of the nation is getting to see what the P12 has to deal with. The worst ejection followed by the second worst ejection in one game.
No way on Gods green earth that was targeting
Larry Scott is totally going to address the clear officiating issues any year now.
What I’ve seen on Twitter is that they’re Big 12 refs, not Pac 12
It's the same ref from the CSU gameWhat I’ve seen on Twitter is that they’re Big 12 refs, not Pac 12
The ref extended his arms towards the kid as he was getting up, kid was pissed the ref didn't throw the flag for late hit. Not like the kid pushed or punched the refI really don’t understand everyone losing their mind over the referee, he grabbed the referees arm and it was lightly. Its in the rule book, you CANNOT forcibly touch the referee, penalty is an automatic disqualification. The ref is a douche for getting in his way and then throwing the flag but he should have just said no and got up on his own. I don’t see it as egregious as everyone else.
The ref extended his arms towards the kid as he was getting up, kid was pissed the ref didn't throw the flag for late hit. Not like the kid pushed or punched the ref
I would agree if the ref didn't put his arms outI look at it like this. The ref is the boss, you don’t **** with the boss. If you do, you pay the consequences. He touched the ref by grabbing his wrist. I think it’s ridiculous too but it’s in the rules and if your going to be stupid and touch the ref you better know he has the power to discipline you. He has no one to blame but himself on this one.
I would agree if the ref didn't put his arms out
As I typed this, pick 6 by NWKY down by 3 to NW with 8 minutes left
LJ Scott coming back is huge news. Bachie a beast too.BTW, good chance Michigan State is well inside the preseason Top 10. That team is loaded for a run next year.