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2020 CU football season POSTPONED until Nov 6th?

It's weird that you responded to my initial post of a tweet listing the number of deaths in several countries by implicitly stating that the tweet wasn't accurate when you really just pay attention to what's happening in Colorado. What motivated you to try to push back against the tweet's (accurate) numbers with your (inaccurate) numbers? It's also weird that you found the one COVID number site where it's difficult to find yesterday's numbers. I mean a google search will bring you the numbers right up front, without even having to click a link.
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You’re making this personal. Your link that you provided was adequate.
You’re making this personal. Your link that you provided was adequate.

Nope. I've been completely and uncharacteristically civil with you.

I think it's weird, but possible, that you somehow didn't know that the death rate in this country has hovered around 1000 for weeks. I think it's weirder that, when you checked my numbers, you found inaccurate information when the accurate information is more readily available. I'm not accusing you of anything, I just find the whole sequence odd.
Like I said, I really don’t pay much attention to what’s going on outside of Colorado. The one and only source of info I use for worldwide info on the virus is ncovid19. That source said 20 deaths in the US. I was surprised that the numbers were so different, so that’s why I posted what I did. I wasn’t arguing with you, just pointing out that the source I use reported differently. The explanation that the number I saw was for deaths so far that day made sense, and I acknowledged as much.
30,000 COVID positive college students so far and exactly 0 hospitalizations. Better chance of getting seriously ill from the flu or getting injured driving on the way to class than from COVID for these youngsters. I maintain that it’s still better from a public health perspective to let these kids live normal lives on campus away from their older family members and largely only around other low-risk peers. Playing football in a mostly empty stadium poses the same minimal risk, and the older vendors Etc can at least choose to wear a mask to retain some of their livelihood. The gaslighting about some of the data is actually unreal and purely political. Perseveration on the “nUmBeR oF cAsEs” doesn’t matter one iota if it doesn’t translate to hospitalizations or deaths, which is what is happening with the second wave nationwide. Pretending like all these kids are somehow going to be going to the hospital and die en masse is just ridiculous. Oh, you’ll hear about the one or two that do end up tragically succumbing to this while ignoring that 300+ died from the flu this year. It’s better to get them out living a normal life, parties and all, at college than to keep them close to home near to their old, fat parents. Then at least they can get it and develop antibodies for winter break. The strategy of “never let anything get back to normal until we have a vaccine” is insane and counter-productive.
More of your data from the Trump wing echo chamber?

I wasn't able to in a quick search find specific numbers of returning college students hospitalized but it takes a very short time to see multiple articles about students from various colleges who have been hospitalized.

San Diego State, Kansas State, South Carolina, and many others have stories published about individual students who are hospitalized with the disease.

And there are people dying. https://myfox8.com/news/report-60-covid-19-deaths-traced-to-college-campuses/

It isn't just students who are found on college campuses and can suffer. Add to this of all the students on campuses how many will return to their family homes at least once in the next few weeks. Most students who live on campus still go to school in their home states and regularly visit home. Lets just bring it back for mom and dad and the grandparents to share in.

But by all means lets play football because entertaining the fans is much more important that the lives that are impacted or lost.

The insane and counter productive idea is to cling to the stupid ideas that we can develop "herd immunity" or that it's just "the flu."

By the way your total stupidity (yes I am calling you stupid) about this issue is shown by your idiotic comment about vendors "at least wear a mask to preserve some of their livelihood." If you can't figure out after all the times it has been repeated and illustrated that the mask provides much more protection to others than it does the wearer then you aren't going to be able to figure out something as complicated as our fast approaching 200,000 dead from C-19 being much more severe than any combination of flu years in recent decades.
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Calling others who don’t share your opinion on a particular subject stupid is always a great way to advance the dialogue.

This goes for both sides. I’m seeing a lot of that coming from all angles on this.
Calling others who don’t share your opinion on a particular subject stupid is always a great way to advance the dialogue.

This goes for both sides. I’m seeing a lot of that coming from all angles on this.
You haven't expressed any opinions today. Just bad facts (you can name the term differently). I'm confused at your angle here.
You haven't expressed any opinions today. Just bad facts (you can name the term differently). I'm confused at your angle here.
I wasn’t referencing any responses to my comments.
My angle is to try to encourage a little more civility around here. Calling people stupid does nothing to find any common ground.
I wasn’t referencing any responses to my comments.
My angle is to try to encourage a little more civility around here. Calling people stupid does nothing to find any common ground.

I’m not interested in finding common ground with people who insist on spreading harmful misinformation. Calling that “stupid” is generous in my opinion.
Calling others who don’t share your opinion on a particular subject stupid is always a great way to advance the dialogue.

This goes for both sides. I’m seeing a lot of that coming from all angles on this.
The purpose of wearing a mask to prevent spread to others isn't an opinion, it is established scientific fact. There are no two angles on the issue.

A deliberate ignoring of scientific fact because it doesn't match your pre-established opinion makes you stupid. Unfortunately for people like this playing nice doesn't advance the dialog at all. They just rationalize it as saying the other side is timid because they are wrong or at least unsure of their views.

These by the way were the same tactics they used when they wanted to ignore the scientifically proven connection between smoking tobacco and lung cancer and heart disease. They referred to it as an opinion. There are still individuals who believe that tobacco laws are all a government conspiracy to control their lives.

You can have an opinion on if close to 200,000 people dead is significant, the fact is they are still dead and the fact is that a virus called among other things Covid-19 is killing them or at least responsible for them dying sooner than they otherwise would have.

I respect opinions of others even if I strongly disagree. I consider them stupid if they ignore scientific fact.
There is mounting evidence that playing football is far safer for the athletes than not.
Do you have any links? I searched on "football players safer at school" and the top few links were articles about Saban saying "football players are safer at school." None of the rest in the first couple of pages cited any kind of study or professional validation in favor. The only professional was a doctor saying they're not safer playing football, but that's just one guy. I don't have any idea who's right, but it seems like a lot of wishful thinking.
Ryan Marino, who’s worked with Covid patients as an emergency physician and is also a medical toxicologist, says he thinks Lawrence raises some valid points about the medical resources that colleges can offer their students. But the fact remains: playing football is riskier than not playing football.

“I don’t think it’s true that they’re at high risk by not playing,” Marino says. “[Football] is contact sport that involves a lot of closed-quarters and activities where you’re generating more of these aerosols. We know exercise is something that increases the spread. So that is probably the big concern, and why that statement is not true.”
Do you have any links? I searched on "football players safer at school" and the top few links were articles about Saban saying "football players are safer at school." None of the rest in the first couple of pages cited any kind of study or professional validation in favor. The only professional was a doctor saying they're not safer playing football, but that's just one guy. I don't have any idea who's right, but it seems like a lot of wishful thinking.

Doesn't a total of 5 NFL players being on the COVID list atm show that?

One more question-aren't the parties that we've heard about at some of these universities the true "super spreader" events?

Doesn't a total of 5 NFL players being on the COVID list atm show that?

Absolutely not. NFL is apples and oranges to CFB with regards to resources and maturity of the players

One more question-aren't the parties that we've heard about at some of these universities the true "super spreader" events?
Agreed. But the point holds, College kids are going to be dumb