Okay. So how about this article, from the experts:
Clearly, there is no consensus as to the long term health impacts (or even the immediate health impacts!) and yet you want these kids to make long-term decisions based upon what (at best) is an incomplete data set.
you are the one asking for people to be tempered in their reasoning, yet you "personally think" that football can be played in a safe manner with really no data or reasoning to back you up.
All I'm asking is for you to really examine your opinion and think about your motivations here. Why do you want football played so badly?
PROVE. IT. This is your gut perception, yet you say it is insane to believe otherwise.
The CDC says to avoid contact within six feet without a mask. Pretty much every health organization worldwide agrees, and yet the sport of football requires many participants to be within six feet of each other, and I've seen no rules that any of these players will be wearing masks.
By the way, I'm glad you decided to jump into the discussion rather than to "unlike" posts from the periphery.