Well stated.A big thing some of y’all discount is the indirect value of athletics on brand equity and notoriety.
Maybe most kids don’t strictly use “good athletics” as the first item on their selection criteria. Almost all kids are aware of schools primarily due to their athletics though.
The “advertisement” (if we can call it that) of Phil sitting in front of a kid in a mask playing the tuba with some weak narration and amateur graphic overlays played on the Pac12 network doesn’t make kids aware of the school. Sports on TV and athletic wear sold to fans and alumni who are proud does that.
Kid might not pick a school bc of athletics, but the athletics are usually what even bring a school into the consideration set indirectly regardless of whether they like sports or not
It wouldn't be surprising if a lot more kids decide to come to Boulder based on seeing the kids in front of the student section in banana suits than based on seeing Dr Phil in front of the Tuba.
I don't know that the kids even care that much about winning, they are looking for a good time.
The winning though is what gets a schools games on national TV or in the premium regional time slots so kids have a chance to see them.