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Baylor Rape HQ - (major lawsuit settled)

Anyone, and I mean anyone who does that to a woman needs to be in jail.

Not only should Lebby be fired but as an educator (he works for an educational institution) he she go to jail as well for not personally following up on it with the police.

What I am certain of is that what we have seen so far is the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully more of these young women will find the courage to come forward and add to the public story.

Baylor football and the school administration need to be shamed to the point where it is burned to the ground and they start over.
Mr. Hawkins, please pick up the white courtesy phone. Dan Hawkins, the white courtesy phone.

Of course Lebby is still the RB Coach. He was able to keep Chafin on the team and get 22 touchdowns out of him. That was his job description as defined by **** bailer! administrators and the head coach.

This thing is so ****ed up. Grobe needs to convince his superiors that this is not going to go away and the only path forward is to clean house of all coaches and university personnel who were implicated in covering up assaults against women by players. With university personnel, this expands to include other assaults against women on campus that were unrelated to the athletic department (and that seems to have been a big problem during the Ken Starr years, too).

If she can produce the text messages in question between her and Lebby, and he said anything that could remotely be construed as obstructing an investigation or encouraging her not to report, then **** bailer and Lebby could be in deep(er) ****.
Cleaning up Baylor is simply not going to happen by firing and hiring decisions made by the Baylor BOR and interim president.

Baylor hasn't cleaned house just by firing Briles, McCaw and demoting Starr and releasing some so-called statement of fact based on the PH investigation.

To really clean house, there needs to be transparency that includes description of Baylor processes that led to suppressing information and retaliation against victims.

My recommendation for Baylor is to waive certain rights as a condition of being an NCAA/B12 member.
1) Even though BU is a private institution, they agree to be subject to the same freedom of information act laws that apply to public institutions on title 9 and athletic related issues
2) BU Title 9 and Cleary Act compliance includes a public review of process failures that led to the suppression of information and retaliation against victims.
3) Independent 3rd party certification that established process changes have been implemented at Baylor that bring the school into compliance with Title 9 and the Cleary act.
4) Victims are afforded damages as part of settlements or civil proceedings.
5) All BU employees linked to supression of information and/or retaliation against victims of sexual abuse are disciplined.
I saw a rumor on shaggy that an ESPN OTL reporter may be investigating any link between the death of Inya Eleje that allegedly may or may not be tied to the beat down that was administered to him by Baylor FB player Ahmad Dixon.
Cleaning up Baylor is simply not going to happen by firing and hiring decisions made by the Baylor BOR and interim president.

Baylor hasn't cleaned house just by firing Briles, McCaw and demoting Starr and releasing some so-called statement of fact based on the PH investigation.

To really clean house, there needs to be transparency that includes description of Baylor processes that led to suppressing information and retaliation against victims.

My recommendation for Baylor is to waive certain rights as a condition of being an NCAA/B12 member.
1) Even though BU is a private institution, they agree to be subject to the same freedom of information act laws that apply to public institutions on title 9 and athletic related issues
2) BU Title 9 and Cleary Act compliance includes a public review of process failures that led to the suppression of information and retaliation against victims.
3) Independent 3rd party certification that established process changes have been implemented at Baylor that bring the school into compliance with Title 9 and the Cleary act.
4) Victims are afforded damages as part of settlements or civil proceedings.
5) All BU employees linked to supression of information and/or retaliation against victims of sexual abuse are disciplined.

Agree with all of this plus

Establish an independent office where victims can go and report without having to worry about Baylor administration knowing who or what was reported unless the person with advice of counsel chooses to advance into a legal resolution. This office would also serve future potential victims of crimes involving Baylor students (or staff) without the discrimination present in the Baylor culture.

Clean out the football staff and the staff of any other sport in which this culture of enabling criminal activity exist or existed, also clear out the athletic administration and those in the school administration who did or should have had supervisory responsibility.

Develop and publish a specific policy regarding how these incidents will be handled in the future and who will be responsible for making sure they are handled according to that policy.
i click every link I can to let the media outlets know this Baylor story hasnt blown over yet.
This is a fantastic strategy. Even if you don't read the article, click on it. Encourage more articles with the same theme.

Something so obvious that it never occurred to me.

He'll, I'm going to start clicking on then twice, once on my work computer and another time at home.
This is a fantastic strategy. Even if you don't read the article, click on it. Encourage more articles with the same theme.

Something so obvious that it never occurred to me.

He'll, I'm going to start clicking on then twice, once on my work computer and another time at home.
It is the sole topic on all of the shows on the College Sports network on Sirius XM. I'm in full support of getting out the biggest microscope possible and focusing it on that cesspool until they burn.
Make sure you click on every Baylor story you see to drive up traffic to those stories so they are posted prominently on websites.
i click every link I can to let the media outlets know this Baylor story hasnt blown over yet.

Nothing Baylor wants more than for this whole thing to eventually blow over so they can return to the way they were.
Brilliant as always, Skiddy!

Another woman raped, allegedly. But didn't report it. Sounds like exactly the environment Baylor was going for.
****Balier fan at it's finest from the comments

Here we go again, I agree ti kiss him, see what does that tell you when it comes to a woman, she knew what she was doing, when a athlete has a chance to make it big, female sell there body for a price and also dress to kill, when it don't go the way they want , the call foul play on the person she want to provide the BIG DOLLARS, that's why you see so many baby mama these days. Some female never get it, you knew when you walk in the door you was going to give it up to him or who ever has the higher $$$ in your eye. Nothing but a #$%$ for hire.

and this gem

Bi*th wanted it. Bad.
No doubt.
And again the name of assistant coach (yes still employed assistant coach) Jeff Lebby comes up.

Amazing how the player lets his assistant coach know he did it, the campus counseling center shies away from doing anything with it because he is a football player, the medical clinic leaves her with an STD test and a "good luck."

They need to burn that place down.
And again the name of assistant coach (yes still employed assistant coach) Jeff Lebby comes up.

Amazing how the player lets his assistant coach know he did it, the campus counseling center shies away from doing anything with it because he is a football player, the medical clinic leaves her with an STD test and a "good luck."

They need to burn that place down.

The feds do have experience launching ground assaults in Waco. Wouldn't be that hard...
And again the name of assistant coach (yes still employed assistant coach) Jeff Lebby comes up.

Amazing how the player lets his assistant coach know he did it, the campus counseling center shies away from doing anything with it because he is a football player, the medical clinic leaves her with an STD test and a "good luck."

They need to burn that place down.
You know Lebby is Briles' son in law, right?
And people wonder why women don't report rape asap. What woman in this world wants to be called names and revictimized over and over again by the institutions that are supposed to protect them?
I need to stop reading all of this. I'm getting more angry each day and it can't be healthy.

Channel that anger through a sternly worded letter/tweet to Nike. How dare Nike align themselves with an institution that has a chronic habit of enabling rapists through victim-shaming!
And again the name of assistant coach (yes still employed assistant coach) Jeff Lebby comes up.

Amazing how the player lets his assistant coach know he did it, the campus counseling center shies away from doing anything with it because he is a football player, the medical clinic leaves her with an STD test and a "good luck."

They need to burn that place down.

You know Lebby is Briles' son in law, right?

Just to clarify, Lebby's name is not mentioned in connection with this case. It only comes up when the article mentions the Devin Chafin assault allegations as background.
Is it me or does it seem people are more concerned about this Stanford swimmer rape story ? Maybe it's just my Facebook feed and what not, but what's going on in in Waco and at BU is truly sickening. Not that the swimmer story isn't gross
Just to clarify, Lebby's name is not mentioned in connection with this case. It only comes up when the article mentions the Devin Chafin assault allegations as background.
Still shocks me that a victim would go to the coaching staff at all. I think it speaks to the cozy relationship that the football program has with the Waco PD. I expect the Waco PD to get some serious heat at some point if they failed to investigate when they should have. Waco residents should be concerned for their own safety, related to having a functional and trustworthy PD, if nothing else.
Is it me or does it seem people are more concerned about this Stanford swimmer rape story ? Maybe it's just my Facebook feed and what not, but what's going on in in Waco and at BU is truly sickening. Not that the swimmer story isn't gross
I kind of agree, and I think it's because there was the very specific letter to the rapist that has become widely publicized, as well as the ass clown father's statement, and the fact that **** face was only sentenced to 6 months in prison. This ****bailer story has so many moving parts and very little resolution at this point.