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Baylor Rape HQ - (major lawsuit settled)

I kind of agree, and I think it's because there was the very specific letter to the rapist that has become widely publicized, as well as the ass clown father's statement, and the fact that **** face was only sentenced to 6 months in prison. This ****bailer story has so many moving parts and very little resolution at this point.
Lots more to come on the bailer saga. I think we are in the very wary stages on this. I think it's going to get worse for them.
One of the faces of a rape conspiracy.........

Still shocks me that a victim would go to the coaching staff at all. I think it speaks to the cozy relationship that the football program has with the Waco PD. I expect the Waco PD to get some serious heat at some point if they failed to investigate when they should have. Waco residents should be concerned for their own safety, related to having a functional and trustworthy PD, if nothing else.

I see that as Texas culture. In TX high schools, the head football coach is a celebrity. Draws much more water than the principal around town. Makes disciplinary decisions within his own bubble without needing to go to the school administration or local authorities (and if he does, they're in his back pocket). Briles is a product of that culture and just did what he'd always done when he moved to the college level.
I see that as Texas culture. In TX high schools, the head football coach is a celebrity. Draws much more water than the principal around town. Makes disciplinary decisions within his own bubble without needing to go to the school administration or local authorities (and if he does, they're in his back pocket). Briles is a product of that culture and just did what he'd always done when he moved to the college level.
Completely agree.
I see that as Texas culture. In TX high schools, the head football coach is a celebrity. Draws much more water than the principal around town. Makes disciplinary decisions within his own bubble without needing to go to the school administration or local authorities (and if he does, they're in his back pocket). Briles is a product of that culture and just did what he'd always done when he moved to the college level.
it isn't acceptable. not in 1985, not in 2016, not in 2045
it isn't acceptable. not in 1985, not in 2016, not in 2045

No, it is not. And we are seeing why it is a problem. This is where I see the similarities between Penn State and Baylor. JoePa was bigger than the university (biggest donor in addition to everything else). We see what granting him incredible authority with almost no oversight led to. At Baylor, the same thing happened with a successful HC given autonomy and the rest of the university supporting him any way they could to protect his program.

I don't want to get off the **** bailer! topic here, but this is an issue that needs to be fixed down at the high school level, too. In places like Texas and Pennsylvania where HS football is a main piece of the fabric of the community, it can be particularly bad.
No, it is not. And we are seeing why it is a problem. This is where I see the similarities between Penn State and Baylor. JoePa was bigger than the university (biggest donor in addition to everything else). We see what granting him incredible authority with almost no oversight led to. At Baylor, the same thing happened with a successful HC given autonomy and the rest of the university supporting him any way they could to protect his program.

I don't want to get off the **** bailer! topic here, but this is an issue that needs to be fixed down at the high school level, too. In places like Texas and Pennsylvania where HS football is a main piece of the fabric of the community, it can be particularly bad.
It only gets fixed if the community wants it fixed. And most of them like having a winning team to root for.
No, it is not. And we are seeing why it is a problem. This is where I see the similarities between Penn State and Baylor. JoePa was bigger than the university (biggest donor in addition to everything else). We see what granting him incredible authority with almost no oversight led to. At Baylor, the same thing happened with a successful HC given autonomy and the rest of the university supporting him any way they could to protect his program.

I don't want to get off the **** bailer! topic here, but this is an issue that needs to be fixed down at the high school level, too. In places like Texas and Pennsylvania where HS football is a main piece of the fabric of the community, it can be particularly bad.
See Bellevue
Still shocks me that a victim would go to the coaching staff at all. I think it speaks to the cozy relationship that the football program has with the Waco PD. I expect the Waco PD to get some serious heat at some point if they failed to investigate when they should have. Waco residents should be concerned for their own safety, related to having a functional and trustworthy PD, if nothing else.

I would love to see some entity launch an investigation of the Wacko PD.

Unfortunately, that would probably fall under the purview of the local DA, who is either in bed with the ****bailer leadership or under the direct mind control of K Starr.
I would love to see some entity launch an investigation of the Wacko PD.

Unfortunately, that would probably fall under the purview of the local DA, who is either in bed with the ****bailer leadership or under the direct mind control of K Starr.
Could a legitimate title 9 suit entice the FBI to investigate?
I would love to see some entity launch an investigation of the Wacko PD.

Unfortunately, that would probably fall under the purview of the local DA, who is either in bed with the ****bailer leadership or under the direct mind control of K Starr.

Would that be before or after the investigation of the Twin Peaks biker shootings and false arrest? We still don't know who was killed by whom and how many were dispatched by the police. Lots of people were held for weeks without being charged with anything.

That PD is a magnet for law suits.
Could a legitimate title 9 suit entice the FBI to investigate?

I dont really know. The Title IX crowd seems to have some clout. I would love to believe that they have somebody's ear at the FBI, DOJ, etc.

Would that be before or after the investigation of the Twin Peaks biker shootings and false arrest? We still don't know who was killed by whom and how many were dispatched by the police. Lots of people were held for weeks without being charged with anything.

That PD is a magnet for law suits.

The more the merrier.

On a bit darker note, a lady we know on the functional side (work) has a daughter headed to Wacko for pre-med and will be part of their competitive tumbling team iirc.

Me and a land thief co-worker talked with her for about 10 minutes. She didn't know everything that was going on.

She did make one very interesting comment. She said she gets one or more emails a day from the team, chancellor, etc., reassuring her that her daughter will be safe and cared for.
I dont really know. The Title IX crowd seems to have some clout. I would love to believe that they have somebody's ear at the FBI, DOJ, etc.

The more the merrier.

On a bit darker note, a lady we know on the functional side (work) has a daughter headed to Wacko for pre-med and will be part of their competitive tumbling team iirc.

Me and a land thief co-worker talked with her for about 10 minutes. She didn't know everything that was going on.

She did make one very interesting comment. She said she gets one or more emails a day from the team, chancellor, etc., reassuring her that her daughter will be safe and cared for.

Dear young white lady,

You will be safe with me. I promise.

Yours in Jesus,

Uncle Ken
Could a legitimate title 9 suit entice the FBI to investigate?
Title 9 is civil law not criminal law. The FBI would not investigate unless there was a violation of federal criminal law.

But that doesn't mean that Title 9 lacks real enforcement mechanisms: the department of education has the power of the purse. Remember the golden rule: he who has the gold, makes the rules. And when it comes money and **** Baylor, the US Dept of Education definitely has the biggest stack of chips at the table - and it's not even close.

You think **** Baylor would be worried about the Big 12 reducing payment? Or Nike dropping them/canceling their contract?

Mere drops in bucket compared to the amount of funds that the Dept. of Education controls.

They just move really slowly. But when that bureaucracy starts moving against you, and you don't respond the way they want you to - you're toast.
Title 9 is civil law not criminal law. The FBI would not investigate unless there was a violation of federal criminal law.

But that doesn't mean that Title 9 lacks real enforcement mechanisms: the department of education has the power of the purse. Remember the golden rule: he who has the gold, makes the rules. And when it comes money and **** Baylor, the US Dept of Education definitely has the biggest stack of chips at the table - and it's not even close.

You think **** Baylor would be worried about the Big 12 reducing payment? Or Nike dropping them/canceling their contract?

Mere drops in bucket compared to the amount of funds that the Dept. of Education controls.

They just move really slowly. But when that bureaucracy starts moving against you, and you don't respond the way they want you to - you're toast.

Not a lot of friends at the DoE for the type of neoconservative politics that comes out of Baylor's politicians & lawyers.
Title 9 is civil law not criminal law. The FBI would not investigate unless there was a violation of federal criminal law.

But that doesn't mean that Title 9 lacks real enforcement mechanisms: the department of education has the power of the purse. Remember the golden rule: he who has the gold, makes the rules. And when it comes money and **** Baylor, the US Dept of Education definitely has the biggest stack of chips at the table - and it's not even close.

You think **** Baylor would be worried about the Big 12 reducing payment? Or Nike dropping them/canceling their contract?

Mere drops in bucket compared to the amount of funds that the Dept. of Education controls.

They just move really slowly. But when that bureaucracy starts moving against you, and you don't respond the way they want you to - you're toast.
Ok, thanks for the explanation.
More fun, as Baylor swings the pendulum in both directions.

**** bailer! still has no friggin' clue on this stuff. Sims is absolutely correct. You investigate. You owe that to the victim and the students on campus. You also owe that to the accused. You don't say you'll stop investigating if the guy agrees to leave quietly. That serves no purpose except quieting the media attention... which is clearly all that **** bailer! cares about.

Faulk's departure has angered Jeff Sims, a former assistant at Florida Atlantic and the former head coach at Garden City. Sims, who coached Faulk at both schools, says Baylor is trying to rid itself of anyone who has had an allegation made against him, true or not. And he's disturbed by something he said new Baylor interim coach Jim Grobe told him when he called to ask why Faulk's status on the team was in jeopardy over the alleged April incident.

"Grobe says to me, 'Listen, if he just leaves, he can go on, and we won't stop him from playing anywhere, and this investigation will stop.'" Flabbergasted at the notion a sexual assault investigation might disappear if an accused player were to leave the team, Sims said he pressed Grobe, but Grobe struggled to be more specific before implying that Baylor administrators had made him remove the player from the team.

Sims said the university's handling of Faulk's departure from the team -- and Grobe's statement to him -- is problematic for the alleged victim and for Faulk, and also shows Baylor still doesn't understand what it's done wrong in recent years.

"To me, that's the whole reason they got in trouble -- either Jeremy's innocent, and they should go through the process, and he should get his scholarship back and play. Or he's guilty, and this girl should get some justice," Sims said.