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Baylor Rape HQ - (major lawsuit settled)

Grobe hasn't seemed to have much authority and his responses to 2016 signees & their parents has been very weak. I'd be surprised but not shocked if he resigned.
I think this had to be the plan all along, or they would have just fired Briles to begin with and Grobe wouldn't have kept all his assistants.
I think this had to be the plan all along, or they would have just fired Briles to begin with and Grobe wouldn't have kept all his assistants.

Baylor being Baylor.

Make a big show and then do nothing of substance. They still don't get it.

I hope the punitive damages in the civil suits run into the hundreds of millions, only thing that will wake them up, maybe.
Devil's advocate. Betrayed!

He was hired to replace Briles and have a chance to win the job.

Now he knows that the BOR and Baylor think very little of him. His players and assistants will disrespect him as a mere substitute until the time Briles is allowed his triumphant return.

And he has to deal with the fall-out of 43-years from operating without a viable T9 apparatus at a time where the school is under a microscope.

Every fan base on the schedule will be chanting "no-means-no".

Grove's failure to release 2016 NLOIs will dominate the summer.

It's a basic crappy situation only made tolerable by whatever bank he earns. No matter how much it is, it's not enough to swim neck-deep in Baylor's poop.
$2,000,000. For one year as caretaker coach...who would not do that?
Baylor's Regents vote tonight, and a preliminary vote shows that it's very close on whether to bring Briles back for 2017.

It's becoming clear that the real problem at Baylor starts at the top with the very wealthy boosters & regents who decided they wanted to win at all costs.
I'm enjoying seeing Starr bear the brunt of Buddy and the Regents ire as the scapegoat (he didn't sufficiently resource the coach with the knowledge that it's frowned upon to let known rapists prey on our virginal white women). However, I'm more excited by the idea that baylor might bring Briles back, even further revealing their true colors on the value of accountability. Fascinating to watch. Fascinating.
I'm enjoying seeing Starr bear the brunt of Buddy and the Regents ire as the scapegoat (he didn't sufficiently resource the coach with the knowledge that it's frowned upon to let known rapists prey on our virginal white women). However, I'm more excited by the idea that baylor might bring Briles back, even further revealing their true colors on the value of accountability. Fascinating to watch. Fascinating.
now, respond in character. MOAR!

EDIT: Orr is is "MORR!" (?)
I'm enjoying seeing Starr bear the brunt of Buddy and the Regents ire as the scapegoat (he didn't sufficiently resource the coach with the knowledge that it's frowned upon to let known rapists prey on our virginal white women). However, I'm more excited by the idea that baylor might bring Briles back, even further revealing their true colors on the value of accountability. Fascinating to watch. Fascinating.
My understanding is that Baylor is actually a subsidiary of the Baptist Church. At some point, doesn't church leadership have to step in to this and say "Enough!". This whole thing is making a joke out of the Baptist Church if it's allowed to continue much further.
now, respond in character. MOAR!

EDIT: Orr is is "MORR!" (?)
God forgives rapists, and it's part of our job to help God forgive rapists. How else do we know if they've been again embraced in Jesus' loving arms, if we don't provide them the temptation they deserve. Remember, Jesus himself was tempted by Satan before he was proven worthy as the Son of God. We are just journeying down the path that the Bible outlined for us. If the NCAA, or even the law of the land has a problem with that, I'd kindly refer them to Jesus himself for an explanation.

In regards to the one player who was arrested on bestiality charges, I'd point out that we are the Lord's flock, and he was simply going out of his way to demonstrate his faith.

Gale Galloway, another former regent chair and Baylor football player, said he supports Briles.

“One of the finest men I’ve known is Art Briles,” said Galloway, 86. “He certainly deserves to be reinstated. This (his firing) is heartbreaking and an overreaction.”
He is a fine white male that says all the right things. Why would we hold him accountable for a buncha rapes he covered up for the benefit of more football victories. That would be an overreaction. Might heart is breaking right now. Right now!
My understanding is that Baylor is actually a subsidiary of the Baptist Church. At some point, doesn't church leadership have to step in to this and say "Enough!". This whole thing is making a joke out of the Baptist Church if it's allowed to continue much further.

Clearly the Theology Dept is weaker than the Law and Business schools.
Actually they're not. Not in my book anyway. And according to what I read, not by the standards of the good book either.

Remember when Jesus said that nothing is more important than making money and winning athletics contests?
Remember when Jesus said that nothing is more important than making money and winning athletics contests?

There's even a mural that depicts that moment:


Yeah ... different school, but same "holier than thou" attitude that we love so much about both schools.
There's even a mural that depicts that moment:


Yeah ... different school, but same "holier than thou" attitude that we love so much about both schools.
Looks to me like they are in line to whiff his pits. Did they use Tide back then?
Want to have some fun?

Go to:http://www.baylor.edu/

Scroll up to the search function and type in a search for "rape" "football and rape" "raping opportunities for scholarship athletes" or some other search term. Be creative. Somebody at that God-forsaken institution has to be monitoring the search request terms.
Want to have some fun?

Go to:http://www.baylor.edu/

Scroll up to the search function and type in a search for "rape" "football and rape" "raping opportunities for scholarship athletes" or some other search term. Be creative. Somebody at that God-forsaken institution has to be monitoring the search request terms.
From their website http://www.baylor.edu/about/index.php?id=88782

During the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, prestigious institutions of higher education founded on Christian principles began a relentless retreat from their spiritual heritage. During that time and into the Twenty-first Century, Baylor has remained one of the few to persist in the belief that not only can its Baptist heritage inform a vital approach to life in general, it can also inform the life of the mind specifically.

Baylor continues to hold firm to the conviction that the world needs a preeminent research university that is unambiguously Christian, where such a commitment does not imply a lack of scholarly inquiry, but rather requires scholarship and creative endeavors at the highest levels of quality to complement and inform its teaching and service.

The foundation for Baylor's position in higher education is articulated in its mission statement, foundational assumptions, core convictions and unifying academic themes. These commitments motivated the founding of Baylor and have guided the University at every point in its history. They continue to define Baylor's exceptional character, purpose and vocation in the world of higher education.