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Baylor Rape HQ - (major lawsuit settled)

Come on people use the power of the Internet. This needs to be distributed ss widely as possible
I was thanked for sharing the following thought:

My discovery that Baylor's leadership routinely turned its back on its most vulnerable students, all to promote football glory turned my stomach. Jesus would want you to protect the most vulnerable among us, not empower the predators that prey upon them. I pray that your money tables are overturned. I am embarrassed to call myself a Baptist. Please disavow your affiliation with my sacred religion. Baylor's behavior has no place in the example of Christ.
I was thanked for sharing the following thought:

My discovery that Baylor's leadership routinely turned its back on its most vulnerable students, all to promote football glory turned my stomach. Jesus would want you to protect the most vulnerable among us, not empower the predators that prey upon them. I pray that your money tables are overturned. I am embarrassed to call myself a Baptist. Please disavow your affiliation with my sacred religion. Baylor's behavior has no place in the example of Christ.

I was thanked for what I sent, too.

First Name: ****
Last Name: Bailer
Email: ****bailer@****bailer.com
Your Response:
**** bailer!

You are a plague on all that is good about college athletics.

**** bailer!
I was thanked for the following:

I'm at a loss as to how a supposedly Christian University can behave in such a manner. Ignoring, intimidating and shaming innocent victims all in order to maintain a football programs glory is about as Un-Christian as it gets. Baylor is the poster child for hypocricy. You should be ashamed of yourselves, but I suspect you are of the belief that you (Baylor) is somehow the victim in all this. Your behavior in the aftermath of these allegations being made public is both shameful and abhorrent. At least you have a football team, though. Right? Gotta keep those priorities. How do you manage to look yourself in the mirror every morning?
My girlfriend (with whom I live in sin) was thanked for this well-considered submission:

I firmly believe that Baylor's Board of Regents is the Anti-Christ. The seven-headed beast of the Revelation. Shame on you! Shame, shame, shame! How can you call yourselves Christians, when you have so clearly abandoned the values of Christianity, of mercy, of God-fearing decency. You suckle at the breast of the whore of Babylon (Buddy Jones). Football is your false God, and you use the name of the Baptist Church to conceal the truth of your evil ways. Shame!
$2,000,000. For one year as caretaker coach...who would not do that?

Someone with a conscience who wants nothing to do with a culture of rape enablement and victim shaming?

Some things in life don't come with a price.
Someone with a conscience who wants nothing to do with a culture of rape enablement and victim shaming?

Some things in life don't come with a price.

He's actually in a position to do some good, as opposed to turning down the job. He may not become "enabled" to effect change, but he can go on 60 minutes and tell the world what he wasn't able to do.
Devil's advocate. Betrayed!

He was hired to replace Briles and have a chance to win the job.

Now he knows that the BOR and Baylor think very little of him. His players and assistants will disrespect him as a mere substitute until the time Briles is allowed his triumphant return.

And he has to deal with the fall-out of 43-years from operating without a viable T9 apparatus at a time where the school is under a microscope.

Every fan base on the schedule will be chanting "no-means-no".

Grove's failure to release 2016 NLOIs will dominate the summer.

It's a basic crappy situation only made tolerable by whatever bank he earns. No matter how much it is, it's not enough to swim neck-deep in Baylor's poop.
Will Grobe report his own rape?
My understanding is that Baylor is actually a subsidiary of the Baptist Church. At some point, doesn't church leadership have to step in to this and say "Enough!". This whole thing is making a joke out of the Baptist Church if it's allowed to continue much further.
Or how about other Christian Churches? Why is there no response?
Isn't it just special that he felt a need to explain that there are some other factors
Sorry to say I wouldn't be surprised he gets his job back unless the press just gets all over them for even entertaining it. The NCAA should be investigating them anyway. Wouldn't it be the dreaded lack of institutional control at the very least? If it was CU, I don't have a doubt they would.
Briles being suspended a year and brought back is entirely possible. He is owed $40MM on his contract and if big donors refuse to step up, that's a major issue. Also, these same donors have something like $200MM pledged but not transferred on the stadium project at Baylor.
I'm tempted to write in again : "all this and you STILL are unwelcome in the PAC 12".

I'd bet that Larry Scott and the Pac12 presidents and ADs are breathing a huge sigh of relief that they opted for us over ****bailer. After the U$C - Reggie Bush fiasco, they didn't need another one.
Briles being suspended a year and brought back is entirely possible. He is owed $40MM on his contract and if big donors refuse to step up, that's a major issue. Also, these same donors have something like $200MM pledged but not transferred on the stadium project at Baylor.
If fired, it will be for cause. There won't be anything due in the contract. However, if the Regents keep messing around like this, it may invalidate any claims to fire for cause.

Keep digging that hole, bailer. Keep digging. Your soul is down there somewhere.
Few mascots look more rapey than Scotty the Presbyterian Blue Hose.
