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CU has rejoined the Big 12 and broken college football - talking out asses continues

I watched 3 Tulane games last year all of them were better than the CU game played the same day.
I DVR 6-8 games on any given Sat., I don't get on the net until I've watched most of them.
Done this way I can judge where CU is on a competitive level, B12, SEC & ACC...I don't bother with the B+ unless it's a game where I know nu is going to get their ass kicked.
Come On Reaction GIF
plenty to debate here


The categories:
  • Football ranking
  • Academic ranking
  • All-sports ranking
  • Football attendance
  • Broadcast viewership

Sports Illustrated’s Power 5 Desirability Ratings​

Overall rankingSchoolFootball rankAcademicsAll sportsAttendanceViewershipTotal
1.Ohio State220(t)432(t)31
3.Notre Dame658162(t)37
6. Florida1811(t)51212(t)58
11.Penn State728(t)4121088
12.Texas A&M12(t)30(t)24518(t)89
19.Florida State5622(t)1421(t)21(t)134
20.Michigan State2738(t)391815137
21.Iowa 938(t)522021(t)140
22.(tie) N. Carolina48(t)11(t)63941(t)145
22.(tie) Oregon2041(t)303618(t)145
25.(tie) Oklahoma St.1065(t)223024(t)151
25.(tie) Miami23(t)22(t)483424(t)151
27.Iowa State1548(t)4023(t)35161
30.(tie) NC State3736(t)1726(t)53(t)169
30.(tie) Arizona St.23(t)47(t)253836(t)169
35.(tie) Virginia Tech4133(t)3221(t)49(t)176
35.(tie) Indiana4230(t)574836(t)176
35.(tie) Utah1741(t)424234176
43.S. Carolina5247(t)361736(t)188
44.Mississippi St.2167632820199
48.Wake Forest3211(t)436658(t)208
49.West Virginia2969562928(t)211
51.Texas Tech44(t)68373341(t)223
54.Georgia Tech6216603653(t)237
55.(tie) Louisville5365(t)334445(t)240
55.(tie) UCF1955(t)675049(t)240
58.Kansas State3159(t)6440(t)53(t)247
62.Boston College5115666166259
63. Vanderbilt684596763(t)261
64.Washington St.39(t)63(t)656432(t)263
67.Oregon State6459(t)416367(t)294
What did you do to deserve it?
Yelled at a bunch of frat boys in a Lexus that they were taking too long, then kept yelling even after they'd ordered. One of them punched me in the face and I laughed; they weren't quite sure what to do after that so went back to their car and drove off without collecting their taco bell.

As you might have guessed, I was very inebriated.
Or maybe like Barnett had probably the single biggest recruiting sex scandal in college football history?
“Single biggest recruiting sex scandal in college football history” in which no players, coaches, or anyone connected to the program were ever charged, convicted, or even brought to trial…. for ANY crime:

“A grand jury investigation into whether booze and sex were used to entice Colorado football recruits ended with an indictment against just one person — a former low-level school employee accused Tuesday of soliciting a prostitute for himself.
The grand jury accused only Nathan Maxcey in its indictment, making no mention of university officials, students or recruits.” (Arizona Daily Sun, Aug. 24, 2004.)

And this was a grand jury—re “You can get a grand jury to indicte a ham sandwich.”

Maybe I misunderstood the comment… was that meant to be sarcastic or ironic? I’m also curious: which other “recruiting sex scandals” was it bigger than?
“Single biggest recruiting sex scandal in college football history” in which no players, coaches, or anyone connected to the program were ever charged, convicted, or even brought to trial…. for ANY crime:

“A grand jury investigation into whether booze and sex were used to entice Colorado football recruits ended with an indictment against just one person — a former low-level school employee accused Tuesday of soliciting a prostitute for himself.
The grand jury accused only Nathan Maxcey in its indictment, making no mention of university officials, students or recruits.” (Arizona Daily Sun, Aug. 24, 2004.)

And this was a grand jury—re “You can get a grand jury to indicte a ham sandwich.”

Maybe I misunderstood the comment… was that meant to be sarcastic or ironic? I’m also curious: which other “recruiting sex scandals” was it bigger than?
Don't bother with the facts.

They will adjust the facts to fit their agenda.

It is sad that nobody was able to sue Mary Keenan for the damage she did to so many young men.

In no way arguing that the CU program was full of choir boys but after Keenan and Paula Woodward and the rest were done, and with the pathetic and disgusting cowering response of Betsy and the rest of the CU administration the general public perception was that anyone on the CU football team, especially anyone Black but also including the white players, was an out of control rapist.

I know for a fact that that team had a significant number of high quality young men who suffered significant blows to their reputations because of this made up scandal.

What should have been the best time of their lives was turned into them having to defend themselves against public opinion created by the political greed and aspirations of Keenan
Looking at brands and # of schools I don’t see how Big12 gets better deal than Pac10.
I like that term "brands". What makes a good brand? CU has not been relevant for over 20 years, but I think has a better brand than Utah which have been a very successful program for awhile now. But yes, I'm biased.

Is brand dictated by the market area? The college town? Fan support.? Alumni? Again, I'm biased, but almost every team in the Pac-10 has better cache than most of the teams in the Big 12. University presidents and Board of Regents like to compare and use academics and R$D investment as a priority, e.g., the AAU. The media and its dollars don't give a **** about that. Of course they can look at viewership to dictate what brand they want, but that's a little chicken and egg. Some of the teams in the SEC and B1G now don't have a high brand, but are getting a **** more dollars than CU.

And as you question, how does Big12 get a bigger package than PAC10? It's rhetorical (e.g. re: Larry Scott), but still wonder.

Edit: Just saw Hokie's good link and chart for "desirability"
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Don't bother with the facts.

They will adjust the facts to fit their agenda.

It is sad that nobody was able to sue Mary Keenan for the damage she did to so many young men.

In no way arguing that the CU program was full of choir boys but after Keenan and Paula Woodward and the rest were done, and with the pathetic and disgusting cowering response of Betsy and the rest of the CU administration the general public perception was that anyone on the CU football team, especially anyone Black but also including the white players, was an out of control rapist.

I know for a fact that that team had a significant number of high quality young men who suffered significant blows to their reputations because of this made up scandal.

What should have been the best time of their lives was turned into them having to defend themselves against public opinion created by the political greed and aspirations of Keenan
Given the understanding of most of the hardcore fans that pretty much nothing came from that whole situation beyond the reputational and PR hit, I think the fans tend to underestimate how much scar tissue that left in the AD and the school administration in terms of preferring to avoid even the whiff of impropriety and the impact that has had on the school's willingness to go all in to be competitive in football.
Given the understanding of most of the hardcore fans that pretty much nothing came from that whole situation beyond the reputational and PR hit, I think the fans tend to underestimate how much scar tissue that left in the AD and the school administration in terms of preferring to avoid even the whiff of impropriety and the impact that has had on the school's willingness to go all in to be competitive in football.
Given the understanding of most of the hardcore fans that pretty much nothing came from that whole situation beyond the reputational and PR hit, I think the fans tend to underestimate how much scar tissue that left in the AD and the school administration in terms of preferring to avoid even the whiff of impropriety and the impact that has had on the school's willingness to go all in to be competitive in football.
The impact is still being strongly felt.

Unfortunately what doesn't get recognized by the community at large outside of those hardcore fans is that the wounds that those scars cover were self-imposed.

Had the administration had the courage to stand up to Keenan and those in the media who bought her story the whole thing would have been a bump in the road instead of the long term and widespread disaster that we got.
Given the understanding of most of the hardcore fans that pretty much nothing came from that whole situation beyond the reputational and PR hit, I think the fans tend to underestimate how much scar tissue that left in the AD and the school administration in terms of preferring to avoid even the whiff of impropriety and the impact that has had on the school's willingness to go all in to be competitive in football.
I'd start by questioning, in 2003, how much* of the current school administration was in their current roles? employed by CU in some capacity?

"how much" should probably be both a function of quantity of people and impact of their roles
plenty to debate here


The categories:
  • Football ranking
  • Academic ranking
  • All-sports ranking
  • Football attendance
  • Broadcast viewership

Sports Illustrated’s Power 5 Desirability Ratings​

Overall rankingSchoolFootball rankAcademicsAll sportsAttendanceViewershipTotal
1.Ohio State220(t)432(t)31
3.Notre Dame658162(t)37
11.Penn State728(t)4121088
12.Texas A&M12(t)30(t)24518(t)89
19.Florida State5622(t)1421(t)21(t)134
20.Michigan State2738(t)391815137
22.(tie) N. Carolina48(t)11(t)63941(t)145
22.(tie) Oregon2041(t)303618(t)145
25.(tie) Oklahoma St.1065(t)223024(t)151
25.(tie) Miami23(t)22(t)483424(t)151
27.Iowa State1548(t)4023(t)35161
30.(tie) NC State3736(t)1726(t)53(t)169
30.(tie) Arizona St.23(t)47(t)253836(t)169
35.(tie) Virginia Tech4133(t)3221(t)49(t)176
35.(tie) Indiana4230(t)574836(t)176
35.(tie) Utah1741(t)424234176
43.S. Carolina5247(t)361736(t)188
44.Mississippi St.2167632820199
48.Wake Forest3211(t)436658(t)208
49.West Virginia2969562928(t)211
51.Texas Tech44(t)68373341(t)223
54.Georgia Tech6216603653(t)237
55.(tie) Louisville5365(t)334445(t)240
55.(tie) UCF1955(t)675049(t)240
58.Kansas State3159(t)6440(t)53(t)247
62.Boston College5115666166259
64.Washington St.39(t)63(t)656432(t)263
67.Oregon State6459(t)416367(t)294

I mean, this is subjective af, and anything that has BOTH Iowa schools above the majority of P5 schools is very shady at best, but what really pisses me off is our academic ranking. I mean, haven't we been blowing everything else off so that we can be academically 'elite'?

It just confirms what I've known for years now. CU Boulder has declined in every way since I went to school here, and there doesn't seem to be any interest at all in actually reversing that trend. It's not that we're **** in football. We're **** in everything, and the ****wads in charge are just fine with that.
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I mean, this is subjective af, and anything that has BOTH Iowa schools above the majority of P5 schools is very shady at best, but what really pisses me off is our academic ranking. I mean, haven't we been blowing everything else off so that we can be academically 'elite?

It just confirms what I've known for years now. CU Boulder has declined in every way since I went to school here, and there doesn't seem to be any interest at all in actually reversing that trend. It's not that we're **** in football. We're **** in anything, and the ****wads in charge are just fine with that.
I mean, this is subjective af, and anything that has BOTH Iowa schools above the majority of P5 schools is very shady at best, but what really pisses me off is our academic ranking. I mean, haven't we been blowing everything else off so that we can be academically 'elite'?

It just confirms what I've known for years now. CU Boulder has declined in every way since I went to school here, and there doesn't seem to be any interest at all in actually reversing that trend. It's not that we're **** in football. We're **** in everything, and the ****wads in charge are just fine with that.
I'm of the firm opinion that you are correct here, and also that there is one constant in all of this: Phil Distefano. I honestly don't know why he hasn't been moved to greener pastures.

Students hate him, grad students hate him, faculty hate him, his responses to crisis have been inadequate if not downright harmful, and I've seen nothing from him to indicate a vision or plan to keep CU at or above peer level- he seems content to ride it out and perform the status quo until he retires. **** him.

Mark Kennedy sucked ass but at least he had a ****ing plan.