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CU has rejoined the Big 12 and broken college football - talking out asses continues

I've been punched in the face in that drivethru.

Were you walking? Back in the day we used to walk through the drivethru because it was still open even though the lobby was closed. One time I was inexplicably accused of pissing on someone's car while I was waiting for my turn to get my food and pay. Luckily, cooler heads prevailed - the accuser was a sloppy drunk girl, and even her friends didn't really believe her - but I could have seen fisticuffs flying if she had a roid raging bf. Eventually we stopped walking through Taco Bell drive thrus.

Star Trek Bullshit GIF

July 5th. Lol
give me wine and cheese, please.

whatever happens is bound to disappoint.

this actually might be the best new motto for us...
the amount of hate we will draw from kjuco state, isu, bailer, and the rest would almost be worth it for entertainment value.

The Big 12 is the best option for us, as it is for UA, ASU, and UU. UO and UW can go **** themselves.

Anyway, it won't happen, because leadership of the Pac-10, both from the member schools and the conference themselves, is ****ing mindnumbingly stupid.
I'm of the firm opinion that you are correct here, and also that there is one constant in all of this: Phil Distefano. I honestly don't know why he hasn't been moved to greener pastures.

Students hate him, grad students hate him, faculty hate him, his responses to crisis have been inadequate if not downright harmful, and I've seen nothing from him to indicate a vision or plan to keep CU at or above peer level- he seems content to ride it out and perform the status quo until he retires. **** him.

Mark Kennedy sucked ass but at least he had a ****ing plan.
And he has been arrested for a DUI. Massive hypocrite
Well, if the reports are true that there is interest between the Big 12, AZ, ASU and CU but NOT Utah, the Big 12 should approach SDSU to fill Utah's presumed slot in the scenario. Drama and pressure would build significantly.

A western division of

Would be impressive especially basketball
This **** sounds like what we were hearing from Chip Brown 10 years ago - lots of unsubstantiated bull**** coming from folks with vested interest in the B12. I’ll believe it when I see it. It honestly feels to me like the remaining PAC teams want to make this work. Could be my personal bias, but the longer it takes for us to make the move, the less likely the move will actually happen.
the athletic suggests the big 12 and pac ought to just merge and add 2 teams to get to 24. then you can do geographically rational pods and it would definitely be conference 3 behind sec and big.

Mountain Pod

i hate this much less than some of the other outcomes.
Everybody thinks that SDSU belongs as a top level program except the fans who pay for it. They are in a large and fast growing city without competition from the NFL (or the NBA, NHL, etc.) but they still don't draw and they don't generate TV ratings.

For right now I think the best course of action would be for the best programs from the remaining three conferences PAC, B12, ACC to form an entirely new conference of the top say 16 programs, sign them to strong GOR agreements, and dump the rest of the programs which would be a drag on the conference. From the PAC that would mean OSU and WSU gone as well as likely Cal. B12 schools that wouldn't be included would be some of their recent additions, ACC has some programs that don't make the cut as well. Depending on what the TV networks want you may go as high as 24.

And again long term it isn't going to matter because college football as we know it is already dead, they just haven't realized it yet. There will be a tier of schools that forget all pretense of being college athletic programs and spend and receive huge amounts of money. Eventually a bunch of schools are going to recognize that they aren't included and that they don't want to be and we see a new, lower budget structure evolve.

We may, and probably eventually will see the NFL decide they want those billions and take over the top level talent development under their own minor or developmental league cutting the colleges out of the money and process.