Rant: Pissed at how the media, especially those covering the Pac-12, will refuse to say anything positive about CU. I’ve never seen any of these jokers make an argument as to why:
1) CU is better off in the P12
2) P12 will greatly benefit from CU
3) Could eventually be a candidate for the B1G or SEC
Even the damn Commish Kliavkoff said the Deion hire was big for negotiations. The lack of interest in Colorado from its own media members (Wilner, Canzano, Mandel, etc) has fueled the “CU to the B12” nonsense we keep seeing.
Who do we always see with upward mobility? Oregon, Washington, Stanford, Cal, and now Utah. Are we f’ing invisible? Because we’re not in that group from our own conference writers, we look like easy pickens.
Arizona, I get it. They are openly campaigning for the B12. But Colorado isn’t and I’d argue we’re at the center of the whole B12 misinformation coverage. We are who they want most.
I get it, we sucked. It will officially be past tense in a few months. But here we are about to clean up in tv ratings for these ungrateful b***** at a time when ratings are everything and they’re like “Utah doesn’t want to sign a long term GoR but eh, let’s assume Colorado goes to the B12”.
I’m not saying I want the B12 as a result. Opposite. But I’m also saying I can’t wait to say peace

to the P12 just for this very reason. Spiteful? Petty? Yes, 100%.