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Leavitt to Oregon

I can handle the heat - but substantively tell me what you disagree with, don't just pull the "guy must be a troll cause he's not effusive with praise." I get tired of the "Ugh, you're too negative" bull**** from the positive-spin crowd here.
1) I was not involved in your debate.
2) You are too negative. It's not bull**** to be positive after a 10 win season.
3) You don't seem to be able to handle the heat because you are whining about being called out on it. Suggestion: go back to tip.
4) It was just a tip.
There's a difference between badly wanting CU to keep him around and being oblivious to the idea that he was going to get offers elsewhere as either DC or HC. Hell, when DJ Durkin left Michigan for Maryland last year, there were people worried that Harbaugh would poach Leavitt then. It might have been surprising that he jumped for a lateral move, instead of a HC opp, but far less surprising when it was reported that Oregon gave him $1.2m/year. CU can't offer that kind of scratch to an asst coach.

I think it's totally fair for you to point to the financial constraints as the primary contributing factor that allowed him to get away... But isn't is also fair to point to the fact that financial constraints have long been holding our program back and even now as we seem to be turning a corner with new facilities and a committed AD that this is still a problem?

I understand reality is reality and we have to live with it - but it took a number of years of dissatisfaction with facilities to get the administration to address it. I think there is value in acknowledging that things like this set the program back (the degree to which we are set back is up for discussion).
1) I was not involved in your debate.
2) You are too negative. It's not bull**** to be positive after a 10 win season.
3) You don't seem to be able to handle the heat because you are whining about being called out on it. Suggestion: go back to tip.
4) It was just a tip.

Pro tip: Save your ****ing pro tips for someone else.

I am negative about the departure of Leavitt and thrilled about a 10 win season.
I think it's totally fair for you to point to the financial constraints as the primary contributing factor that allowed him to get away... But isn't is also fair to point to the fact that financial constraints have long been holding our program back and even now as we seem to be turning a corner with new facilities and a committed AD that this is still a problem?

I understand reality is reality and we have to live with it - but it took a number of years of dissatisfaction with facilities to get the administration to address it. I think there is value in acknowledging that things like this set the program back (the degree to which we are set back is up for discussion).

It is fair to point out financial constraints. It is also fair to rationalize that CU does not need to be paying top 5 money to coordinators to be successful. Your posts the last couple days come off as essentially throwing in the towel because you think CU is crippled by money constraints.
Putting my cards on the table here:

1. As a fan, I enjoy a more positive environment with a message board community.

2. The numbers show that I'm in the majority on that. AB traffic patterns are better when things are going well. Keeping it light/fun in tone and hopeful/positive in attitude is good for the site's viability & success.

3. In past years, I have been very guilty of "spin" to try to find the positives. Mostly driven by my own desire to not be miserable. My big break from that was when I had reached a breaking point from the mismanagement of CU football and was having trouble finding something to be positive about... so I strongly pushed for Embree to be fired as my Hail Mary. If he'd been retained, I wouldn't have been on AB any more as a moderator or active member. I couldn't stomach it any more if status quo was acceptable and hope was dead.

4. Right now, we just won 10 games and the Pac-12 South while having the best recruiting class in years and being in a honeymoon period of completing one of the nicest football facility projects in the nation. And on the hoops side, we remain a perennial tourney team in MBB with our WBB riding the wave of a new hire to somehow being ranked #15 in the nation. Almost every other sport is achieving at a high level, too. There is absolutely no positive "spin" required. Things are simply positive. If there's any "spin", it's been of a "slow your roll and manage expectations" variety.
It is fair to point out financial constraints. It is also fair to rationalize that CU does not need to be paying top 5 money to coordinators to be successful. Your posts the last couple days come off as essentially throwing in the towel because you think CU is crippled by money constraints.

This ^ is a fair criticism. No doubt I've been unduly negative. We can still recover from this - I just needed a day to notify you all that the sky was falling.
Now that Leavitt is gone, don't you all think it is strange that he likes Pepsi so much? I mean, really, he's the first I've ever heard that prefers Pepsi products over Coke.
I think some are making this out to be more than it is. I watched Leavitt and he didn't seem very stable to me. Something's off with that guy. You could debate what he did or didn't do for CU for the next month but he's gone now, time to move on. Mac has proven he can bring in the talent so I'm not going to sweat it. Mac is the better quality coach and man, I'll take him over Leavitt any day. Mac is the real deal.
You may be on to something there.
I did enjoy it - I had a great time this year! But the Leavitt news was like a serious gut punch, especially on the heels of the championship flameout, and then there was radio show debacle yesterday.

And apparently coming on here to express some disappointment (for one freaking day) is too much for you. Get over yourself.
"radio show debacle?" I think you are over hyping the radio show thing a bit.
This is one weird thread. Leavitt leaves for more money (a lot more money) and many on this board want to blame someone - Leavitt for being greedy, MacIntyre for not keeping him, etc. The coaching profession is full of turnover - If this year had been bad Leavitt could of been fired.

Jim Leavitt left the Buffs in a better position than when he got here, that is all you can really ask, IMO. I don't fault him for taking the money - most here would do the same thing. MacIntyre is not at fault either - it is his job to now find a new DC - part of being a Head Coach. Look at all of the turnover on the Alabama staff - Saban seems to cope okay.

I wish Leavitt well and MacIntrye the best on finding a replacement. Beyond that I don't see that a lot needs to be said.