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Leavitt to Oregon

You do what you can do and you move on. This is a strong staff, despite the subtraction, and a program going in the right direction. They'll find the right piece to plug in.
Thanks for your work JL. But since you're heading to UO, I wish you a such ****ty time trying to make something of their defense. Whenever you arrive back in Folsom, WTTF.
I honestly hope Leavitt is a one year rental for them, they go 11-2 with their only losses are to CU in the Pac12 championship + another to us the playoffs, and then some SEC team makes him a great offer this time next year.
i wish epic fail on jl. i know i shouldn't. i try to be a good person. but, i only have one filter and it is the Buffs. he ****ing left. **** him. and **** oregon. and **** phil knight. and **** the entire state of oregon. **** nike the slavers. **** everyone that isn't us.

that is just how i roll.
I honestly hope Leavitt is a one year rental for them, they go 11-2 with their only losses are to CU in the Pac12 championship + another to us the playoffs, and then some SEC team makes him a great offer this time next year.
I'd prefer they go 2-11. (I know that math doesn't add up)
Players make plays
Players win games

Coaches make money.
Money wins coaches.

One of the realities of CFB is that transfer rules for athletes and transfer rules for coaches are no where near the same.

The same people who are payed to, in part, convey the virtues of teamwork, responsibility, and character in exchange for a young student athlete's scholarship
commitment. Then the next day they seem like phoneys by bolting to the next gig.

This whole episode shows that as much as fans want CU to be a destination location for the very best coaches, it remains a stepping stone for the good ones and a bit of a dead end for the bad ones.

If you want to dance the dance, you got to pay the fiddler.

CU doesn't have the $$$ to moneywhip Leavitt into sticking around Boulder. CU hasn't developed a billionaire Daddy Warbucks who can outbid the blue bloods.

So, Mr. Leavett ... well, bye.
i wish epic fail on jl. i know i shouldn't. i try to be a good person. but, i only have one filter and it is the Buffs. he ****ing left. **** him. and **** oregon. and **** phil knight. and **** the entire state of oregon. **** nike the slavers. **** everyone that isn't us.

that is just how i roll.

Haha. We would be excellent friends.
Stating the ****ing obvious....this will get much worse if JL takes Clark and others and our recruiting class collapses.
But not stating the equally obvious... Chev is the driving force behind recruiting so feel free to lose more hair over the "collapse." I won't.
As I understand Clark is our #3 staff recruiter, behind Chev and Adams. It would be very bad if we lost Clark. Chev can hammer down the class but he needs nails to hold it together.
Not gonna worry about it till after the Bowl. I'm sure Mac2 has a plan in place if it does happen, at least I'd hope so.
where are cu's phil knight or boone pickens etc?.....i donate extra every year but it doesnt amount to a hill of beans....we need some alums that are making huge coin to get involved with huge coin's
where are cu's phil knight or boone pickens etc?.....i donate extra every year but it doesnt amount to a hill of beans....we need some alums that are making huge coin to get involved with huge coin's
I think we have some people. Probably more really good ones than one huge one. I'm not sure, in one case, how much Solich is involved anymore. He was behind a lot of rumors a few years ago but seemed to distance himself a bit. There are a few guys here who probably have a little more insight.
where are cu's phil knight or boone pickens etc?.....i donate extra every year but it doesnt amount to a hill of beans....we need some alums that are making huge coin to get involved with huge coin's
All you need to do is Invent a wildly successful athletic shoe/apparel line and we'll be set. TIA!
Oregon poaching Leavitt is fair game but, just to me probably, Leavitt turning around and poaching Clark is slimy, to say the least. Now, I'm sure the pragmatic types here will disagree with me on that. "It's a business," "All is fair," and all that. But I'm not pragmatic and I call BULL****!
Oregon poaching Leavitt is fair game but, just to me probably, Leavitt turning around and poaching Clark is slimy, to say the least. Now, I'm sure the pragmatic types here will disagree with me on that. "It's a business," "All is fair," and all that. But I'm not pragmatic and I call BULL****!
So is Clark leaving for sure? Official?