I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about or what that graphic is referring to.Does this post you are hinting at have an obvious title?
View attachment 29403
This makes me feel better that unlikely what Lesley Smith implied, this information was known and asked about.
Again, the political “fit” argument seems silly to me. His politics are irrelevant. The fundraising critique is valid, though. I hope he is more than a budget balancer. I have doubts that a guy who has never done anything in the State of Colorado will be effective at raising money here. But time will tell, I suppose.
She didn’t indicate anything concrete about his answers nor anything specific that led her to believe “he could handle a fastball.”
Can the guy raise a lot of effing money for the University of Colorado system? If so, we’d like to see the evidence.
On its face, it looks like a guy who had good meetings with the regents but a questionable political background and light fundraising chops got the fast track. This seems like a real terrible hire on all fronts.
I don't get the obsession on politics, the regents would have vetted that. In addition his job in Congress is different than the president of a University politically and he is probably capable of seperating the two, just like many of us do in our jobs.
Yes in Congress he voted on party lines, maybe he didn't like that and wants to side on issues based on his own viewes as well. He can speak for himself on that.
As a congressman you have to raise funds and hold fundraisers, I can see why that would be something that is looked at.
I do see the hire as uninspired and if it was done on the cheap, Kroll will just publicly blame it on the football program and the supposed money the AD is siphoning from the school. I also see this as a hire that won't rock the boat.
Yeah that was a long time ago but I would be curious to see how he votes nowWho gives a **** if someone voted against gay marriage and abortion rights in 2002. GMAFB.
That’s pretty much where I am on this, too. His votes don’t make him “anti-LGBT” or a bigot. It is possible to oppose gay marriage without hating gay people. I think a lot of people are unable to make that distinction. They’re irrelevant to the position of University President anyway.Who gives a **** if someone voted against gay marriage and abortion rights in 2002. GMAFB.
This makes me feel better that, unlike what Lesley Smith implied, this information was known and asked about.
Just seems completely irrelevant. He doesn't have to vote in line with his base, his views could have changed, and his personal beliefs will likely not mean anything with how he runs a campus. It is perfectly plausible for someone who runs universities to oppose gay marriage but say hey, this campus does not agree with me on this issue so it is not something that I can influence.That’s pretty much where I am on this, too. His votes don’t make him “anti-LGBT” or a bigot. It is possible to oppose gay marriage without hating gay people. I think a lot of people are unable to make that distinction. They’re irrelevant to the position of University President anyway.
BUT, there are a lot of red flags on this guy.
I’d imagine women and gay people for starters.Who gives a **** if someone voted against gay marriage and abortion rights in 2002. GMAFB.
And distinguished? So is my johnson.The list of people from across the political spectrum who have “evolved” is very long.
Who gives a **** if someone voted against gay marriage and abortion rights in 2002. GMAFB.
Your claim that he is a bigot borders on slander.This isn’t a learn on the job position. When he’s got a bigoted background, he better bring the fundraising firepower.
He doesn’t have that.
Lesley Smith abides.Again, I think it is fair to look at his political beliefs as they might relate to University issues.
He is anti LGBTQ
He is apparently somewhat anti-free speech, as he voted to make flag burning illegal
Voted No on allowing $84MM in grants for black and hispanic colleges
Voted No on Net Neutrality legislation
Voted yes to increase fines for 'indecent broadcasting'
Voted no on stem cell research
Voted against a number of environmental issues
Remember, this is a higher education institution with a strong research background and a medical campus, so having the head of your institution with certain views matters.
Maybe he is great, but there are a **** ton of warning signs. Lesley Smith posted this yesterday
Your claim that he is a bigot borders on slander.
Not surprisingly, lefties like you have to insert politics in every aspect of life, including the search for a CU President.