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New DC Poll-Top 4 candidates

Rank order the top 4 candidates.

  • D Gibbs

    Votes: 34 30.6%
  • C Pendergast

    Votes: 71 64.0%
  • DJ Durkin

    Votes: 34 30.6%
  • G Gibbs

    Votes: 13 11.7%

  • Total voters
  • :bang: Did you get the SpinMaster 9000 for Christmas. You implied that he was a safe choice because MacIntyre had coached with him previously. MacIntyre coached with Baer previously and more on point he had coached with Baer with in the DC position. Hobby was not the DC when he worked with him so he has less data on how he would perform. And yes Baer was well known but MacIntyre chose him anyway.

    Let us just agree that MacIntyre gets a huge pass from you no matter what and my perspective is he has made several missteps to date.

Your post was ridiculous.

If someone told you a seagull was a bird just like a crow, you would argue that since seagulls live near the ocean, it's actually more like a fish.

That's the difference...

I believe nothing as there's not enough information out there. I acknowledge there's several possibilities.
You choose to believe the sky is falling.

I believe it already fell, hit the ground, bounced up, and is about to hit the ground again.

I believe we are the dumbest smart guy program in the room: We've been ****ing ourselves over since 2004
I believe it already fell, hit the ground, bounced up, and is about to hit the ground again.

I believe we are the dumbest smart guy program in the room: We ****ed ourselves from 2004-2012


Stop pretending that the sky is still falling. It's not.

Stop pretending that the sky is still falling. It's not.

we will see.

i believe we are going to make a good hire, but it is far from certain.

if it goes the wrong way, i am sure we will have a mob of posters ready to string you up.
we will see.

i believe we are going to make a good hire, but it is far from certain.

if it goes the wrong way, i am sure we will have a mob of posters ready to string you up.

No matter who is hired, let's hope fans give the guy a chance before declaring it an awful hire. Some people are going to be furious if the new guy isn't one of the mentioned 4 candidates, and that's ridiculous.

Also, can we hold off on the, "he hasn't coached west of the Mississippi, so he can't succeed" talk? Football is football, spread offenses are played all over the country and speed and athleticism are at every big program. Just because a guy coached in the SEC/ACC, has no bearing on his ability to coach in the Pac 12. If a guy can coach, he can coach. Period.

I would also imagine that MM is going to have a bigger role in defensive game planning in 2015, so anything the new guy may lack in knowledge of Pac 12 offenses, will be made up for with MM's defensive knowledge and experience.
The west of the Mississippi argument is more about recruiting than the coaching aspect.
I am sure that 'Tini will have some smug smartass "you don't know what you are talking about" type of reply, but CU spends too much on coaches to have a squad entirely of no names. Look at our recruiting. It isn't very good. I believe that this is directly related to the relative anonymity of our coaching staff. Guess what? Sometimes making a splash helps, if for no other reason than it gets the school's name in the sports news for something other than literally setting records for futility in football. At least one other program in the state appears to have figured this out.

Hidden gems are great for both coaches and recruits but they can't be all that you have. I hope that we bring in a big name for DC. I seriously think that if MM doesn't succeed here we will be looking back over what he did wrong and his assistant staff will be the first thing on the list.
I am sure that 'Tini will have some smug smartass "you don't know what you are talking about" type of reply, but CU spends too much on coaches to have a squad entirely of no names. Look at our recruiting. It isn't very good. I believe that this is directly related to the relative anonymity of our coaching staff. Guess what? Sometimes making a splash helps, if for no other reason than it gets the school's name in the sports news for something other than literally setting records for futility in football. At least one other program in the state appears to have figured this out.

Hidden gems are great for both coaches and recruits but they can't be all that you have. I hope that we bring in a big name for DC. I seriously think that if MM doesn't succeed here we will be looking back over what he did wrong and his assistant staff will be the first thing on the list.

Just do better. It's so simple.
Why would a big name coach want to come to CU? Sure, there might be a good pay day - but there isn't a lot of stability in the job. Decent chance that if the Buffs go 2-10 again the new DC will be looking for another job in 2016.

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Why would a big name coach want to come to CU? Sure, there might be a good pay day - but there isn't a lot of stability in the job. Decent chance that if the Buffs go 2-10 again the new DC will be looking for another job in 2016.

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Why would a big name coach want to go to Washington State, Oregon State, or Colorado State? CU is a Pac 12 school in an awesome location with money to spend and any coach that is part of a turnaround here will suddenly find himself potentially in high demand on the coaching market.

Good coaches get hired at losing schools all the time. It isn't impossible for CU to turn it around. Overpay someone if you have to.
I agree, so they might as well do it for a coach with some pedigree.

Sure - but it takes two to tango. I have no doubt that CU wants to bring in an elite defensive coordinator and is willing to pay a lot to get that coach.

That doesn't mean that every elite coach wants to come to CU.

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Sure - but it takes two to tango. I have no doubt that CU wants to bring in an elite defensive coordinator and is willing to pay a lot to get that coach.

That doesn't mean that every elite coach wants to come to CU.

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please quote the post that suggested that "every" elite coach wants to come to CU.

i predict we will land a proven dc. when we do, i hope you are ready to give CU a little credit. i feel like we dramatically overpaid for the assistants we got when mm came in but that doesn't mean it is a trend. things can change. there is a new ad in place and a hc with 2 years of major conference experience under his belt.

CU is not a glamour job right now, as you like to remind us, over and over, but it is a p5 job that can pay top dollar. and, they can be offered one of the multiyear deals to offset the "oh no, what if mm fails next year" gnashing of teeth and rending of garments. good coaches come into situations like this all the time. i don't know why we should believe that we are particularly worse off than the 10 or so other really ****ty p5 teams. or any of the non-p5 teams like the sheep.

oh, look, is that stoops giving up yet another score? yes, yes, i believe it is.

Coaching is inherently an unstable profession. All of this talk about whether or not CU is a hard place to attract candidates because the coach may be on the hot seat in a couple of years is silly. I can't believe that any assistant coach takes a job believing he can count on what's going to happen two years from now.
Any talk of million dollar contracts is crazy talk. I don't know, but imagine CU operates on a pretty tight budget. We are middle of the pack and Pac in assistant's salaries. I doubt that will change too much. Maybe we'll up it a little but not astronomically. That's my guess. Maybe RG will pull a rabbit out of his CU cap.
The west of the Mississippi argument is more about recruiting than the coaching aspect.

Yes. The concern about facing a Pac-12 offense is valid but a coach who has to prepare for Florida State every year is not venturing out of his element too much.
Bruce Feldman seems to be saying Stanford DC Lance Anderson is being pursued by Harbaugh.
Bruce Feldman seems to be saying Stanford DC Lance Anderson is being pursued by Harbaugh.

He has been named by others as a candidate for UM but talk seemed to die off about him. This could make things interesting in next 48 hrs

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He has been named by others as a candidate for UM but talk seemed to die off about him. This could make things interesting in next 48 hrs

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i guess "interesting" is relative.
How would that be possible? cant pucture either settling for co-coordinator roles

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I guess it depends on money, prestige, familiarity with Harbaugh, and the notion that either could be poised for big money at their next stop or a HC job with a quick return to winning. A defensive front coached by Durkin, Anderson, and Mattison would be scary.
And mattison is still on staff. Harbaugh must have an absurd budget if can get all three of those guys

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