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Official 2017 Coaching Carousel Thread - Zona hires Sumlin

That's a little unfair. The more water there is under the bridge, the more it looks like JL was a very large piece of CU's success in 2016. I don't think it is a circle jerk to point that out.
It's a circle jerk just as much as it's sour grapes on the other end of the spectrum.
I agree with you for the most part, but while many people come off as sour grapes, you come off as a white knight and the leader of the Jim Leavitt circle jerk.
I was just responding to SBP's lame take which I've heard from a few people here ever since he left for Oregon. I'm just not going to pretend he's a bad DC just because he coaches for another team now.
Leavitt is one of the better DC's in the country. I dont know this as fact but just what looked like was happening from afar. It seemed like there was a strain in the relationship with him at CU. With who, Idk, maybe Mac? Might have been nobody, just seemed that way. End of the day, I don't give a damn anymore, dude is gone.
Highly doubtful. Leavitt's personality would not mesh well with Boulder, as the HC.

Agree. He is a very good DC and his history would indicate that he would be a very good P5 HC. He motivates players, is a solid recruiter, and is motivated and organized.

The USF incident though shows that the fiery personality that make him a motivator my also not be in control enough to risk the public perception of you program on. His obstruction of the investigation into allegedly striking a player wouldn't play well in Boulder.
Ha, nice! That was back when he was a CU coach, however. I'm not the one who keeps white knighting for him.

heh, in your defense, that thread is loaded with Life comes at you fast comments..

nik might have my favorite so far:
The most impressive thing about Leavitt is the sincerity. The passion and the energy never strike a false cord. McCartney is like that. The opposite of that was Hawkins who would try to come across this way and we'd all smell a little bull****.

bufffan69 with a solid one:
Yeah. I think Mac is committed to and loves CU.
Agree. He is a very good DC and his history would indicate that he would be a very good P5 HC. He motivates players, is a solid recruiter, and is motivated and organized.

The USF incident though shows that the fiery personality that make him a motivator my also not be in control enough to risk the public perception of you program on. His obstruction of the investigation into allegedly striking a player wouldn't play well in Boulder.

If that were that big a concern, he wouldn't have been named DC in the first place, JMHO
If that were that big a concern, he wouldn't have been named DC in the first place, JMHO

Big difference. HC is the face of a program, he gets the big money to face the scrutiny. Most people, fans and otherwise don't know who the assistants are and don't care that much. The head coach though is a target for attention.

It is also a different situation being an assistant because you have a head coach responsible for reigning in your behavior. That same head coach also takes the media questions and the heat when things aren't working.

Leavitt would be perfectly acceptable in a lot of places, they would just figure he's a football coach who got excited. Boulder isn't one of those places. Appearances matter in Boulder as we saw when the Tumpkins thing blew up on M2, RG and Dr. Phil. Lots of other schools would have never reported it instead quietly firing the assistant and acting like nothing was wrong. In Boulder they got hammered because they responded too slow.
Mike Leach... another coach who got a sweet little pay raise from the Tennessee dumpster fire.

In a semi-related note... I want to be on Jimmy Sexton’s client roster. omg. What a sweet xmas this dude is already having.
I was just responding to SBP's lame take which I've heard from a few people here ever since he left for Oregon. I'm just not going to pretend he's a bad DC just because he coaches for another team now.

Good Morning Sink,

I never said he was a bad coach and If HCMM would leave I would gladly hire him as our next coach. But he got outcoached against BSU.

And yes, I shared that pac 12 South Championship with you and Jim Leavitt as well.

Now go back to your wall and kneel before your Jim Leavitt Fathead; go to sleep with your Jim Leavitt cuddle bear, put on your 1978 Jim Leavitt style sweatshirt and sift through your collection of Jim Leavitt’s crushed Pepsi cans.

I hope they bring you comfort Sink because your Jimmy Schnookems is not coming back. Your going to have to learn to go on. Let go Sink, Let go.
Did Charles Clark go to FSU or is he staying at Oregon?
As I'm sure you are aware, he's listed on Oregon's staff, but so are others who are strongly rumored to be on their way to FSU soon. Seems as though many assistants are sworn to remain in place thru Wednesday, which is weird. I'd assume Clark is sticking with JL, but he is from FL.

I'm of the mind that Leavitt needed Clark badly to bring the MM DB system. JL stayed out of the DB stuff during his time at CU and he left it to MM/Clark/Tumpkin. He was smart enough to know to bring it and he made Clark an offer he couldn't refuse. Clark was worth more to JL, than to MM, which is the way these things work.

If that is true, Leavitt needs Clark and he better have saved some money to keep Clark happy. If he didn't, well, greed has caught up to him.
Good Morning Sink,

I never said he was a bad coach and If HCMM would leave I would gladly hire him as our next coach. But he got outcoached against BSU.

And yes, I shared that pac 12 South Championship with you and Jim Leavitt as well.

Now go back to your wall and kneel before your Jim Leavitt Fathead; go to sleep with your Jim Leavitt cuddle bear, put on your 1978 Jim Leavitt style sweatshirt and sift through your collection of Jim Leavitt’s crushed Pepsi cans.

I hope they bring you comfort Sink because your Jimmy Schnookems is not coming back. Your going to have to learn to go on. Let go Sink, Let go.
Every post is better than the last, keep it up.
Good Morning Sink,

I never said he was a bad coach and If HCMM would leave I would gladly hire him as our next coach. But he got outcoached against BSU.

And yes, I shared that pac 12 South Championship with you and Jim Leavitt as well.

Now go back to your wall and kneel before your Jim Leavitt Fathead; go to sleep with your Jim Leavitt cuddle bear, put on your 1978 Jim Leavitt style sweatshirt and sift through your collection of Jim Leavitt’s crushed Pepsi cans.

I hope they bring you comfort Sink because your Jimmy Schnookems is not coming back. Your going to have to learn to go on. Let go Sink, Let go.

I hope you learn to let go as well as RG when our incredible DC from that powerhouse kentucky has another dismal defense in 2018.
Every post is better than the last, keep it up.

He told you, I bet you're wearing a jim Leavitt sweater vest right now!

Hopefully RG can "let it go" if kentucky boy's defense has another dismal season.

Well deserved, IMO, and a smart move on WSU's part. Leach will have them competitive year in and year out and will elevate the visibility of the program. He also has never been a job hopper so he is probably content to stay there. He certainly deserves that type of salary based upon what others are getting.