At this point, it is SCOTT FROST or bust for the Nubs. There is enough talk to go around that they could probably not see anyone other than Frost to the fans, and I doubt there would be anyone that would take it with the unrealistic pressures that come from those idiots. Nebraska might as well go crawling back to the Big 12 if they want success. If Frost takes the job, a couple of key things need to happen:
1) His contract will likely be a 6-year, $36,000,000 contract, so he has lifetime security in case it goes bad.
2) They need to schedule an away game every year in Florida or Texas or California so that all the recruits that Frost needs can go home and play a game. The Big 10 Footprint is of no help to Frost!!! He would be better off with any job in a warmer and more fertile area, such as Florida or UCLA.
3) There needs to be a statewide tour that has open houses to educate every Nebraska resident of the challenges that are now going to hold them back from ever being relevant again, and the challenges that Frost has to overcome.
Either way, there is enough chaos that they are not going to be a powerhouse team next year when we play them and we must win that game!!!
Not sure if anyone has seen this video from the guy in Iowa that makes some pretty funny college football videos, but this just makes me chuckle.