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Official 2017 Coaching Carousel Thread - Zona hires Sumlin

Yes, so they killed the deal by linking him to Sandusky, inappropriately and without justification or evidence. I hope he sues the crap out of them. They used a false means to justify their end. Sick. Freaking sick.
Wow, a Sandusky apologist? I applaud Tennessee not wanting a coach associated with that sewer of pedophilia.
PAHI always throwing the curveball at the last minute. Calhoun at CU solves none of the current issues we have.

PAHI has the right idea-if any of this is true, he's gotta go. I'm wondering if this type of thing would be grounds for termination with cause.....assuming its true.
Forde on Tenn fans:

You people are ridiculous. Not all of you, but the delusional loudmouths who somehow think a program with a 62-63 record over the last decade is too good for Schiano. The internet vigilantes who want to bully their way into running the school’s coaching search. The piling-on politicians. The protestors. The rock painters. The rubes who still are waiting for Jon Gruden to slide down the chimney.
PAHI has the right idea-if any of this is true, he's gotta go. I'm wondering if this type of thing would be grounds for termination with cause.....assuming its true.

I was not disputing that part of the post. Calhoun would be cringe-worthy.

Firing for cause is extremely difficult.
You people are ridiculous. Not all of you, but the delusional loudmouths who somehow think a program with a 62-63 record over the last decade is too good for Schiano. The internet vigilantes who want to bully their way into running the school’s coaching search. The piling-on politicians. The protestors. The rock painters. The rubes who still are waiting for Jon Gruden to slide down the chimney.Pat Forde on Tenn fans...
it is called rocky top, amirite?
I was not disputing that part of the post. Calhoun would be cringe-worthy.

Firing for cause is extremely difficult.

I'm not going to debate you on that, especially when Miles or even Todd Graham would take a job like this for $1M until their buyout money runs out....
PAHI always throwing the curveball at the last minute. Calhoun at CU solves none of the current issues we have.

I do like TC, it would be an upgrade. No hire whatsoever will quickly solve the current issues, but bringing in a cohesive unified staff that can teach professionally would be a good start. And an improvement. I don't think the current situation is irredeemable, but if MM is wanting out of here so badly that it's going to put the program further adrift, then it's key that RG finds a way to speed this along. The fact that I used the AFA staff as an example, and an upgrade, was meant to address what looks to me like a discombobulated staff up
in Boulder right now.
I hope that job is viewed as somewhat toxic now by realistic candidates. Who in their right mind, not named Frost, Gruden or Petrino, would want to be be subjected to that kind of vitriol from their own fans?
Anyone associated with that cesspool deserves whatever fate befalls him, Asswipe.

You have to be careful not to hold things over someone’s head if you don’t know the facts. Nobody knows what he does or doesn’t know but him. I know if it was me and I knew nothing but was associated with child rape unfairly it would crush me. If he lost his job over the fans and hearsay that’s a disgrace. If he knew something then, well he deserves bad things in life.

Tennessee looks awful here either way. It was still funny to watch unfold.
You have to be careful not to hold things over someone’s head if you don’t know the facts. Nobody knows what he does or doesn’t know but him. I know if it was me and I knew nothing but was associated with child rape unfairly it would crush me. If he lost his job over the fans and hearsay that’s a disgrace. If he knew something then, well he deserves bad things in life.

Tennessee looks awful here either way. It was still funny to watch unfold.
**** Penn State and anyone associated with the program during Sandusky's reign of terror. Period, the end.
Greg Schiano stayed in a bad job for a long time at Rutgers, was given time to rebuild the team/culture, and eventually had a nice run at the end of his time there. Even when he was a hot coaching name, he spurned opportunities until an NFL franchise made him an irresistible offer.

He was accused almost off-handedly of seeing Sandusky abuse a kid by one person. Schiano has denied this accusation. No one else has corroborated this account.

After his fall from grace at the NFL level, he was coaching a high school team and waited for a wonderful opportunity at tOSU. He has done well there and would likely improve Tennessee greatly. Instead, some idiot fans don’t think Schiano is sexy enough and are using an unsusbtantiated accusation as the excuse to not hire him. Schiano has major egg on his face and deserves compensation from Tennessee if they don’t hire him. Schiano’s ability to get a different comparable HC job is severely diminished by this mess.
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Greg Schiano stayed in a bad job for a long time at Rutgers, was given time to rebuild the team/culture, and eventually had a nice run at the end of his time there. Even when he was a hot coaching name, he spurned opportunities until an NFL franchise made him an irresistable offer.

He was accused almost off-handedly of seeing Sandusky abuse a kid by one person. Schiano has denied this accusation. No one else has corroborated this account.

After his fall from grace at the NFL level, he was coaching a high school team and waited for a wonderful opportunity at tOSU. He has done well there and would likely improve Tennessee greatly. Instead, some idiot fans don’t think Schiano is sexy enough and are using an unsusbtantiated accusation as the excuse to not hire him. Schiano has major egg on his face and deserves compensation from Tennessee if they don’t hire him. Schiano’s ability to get a different comparable HC job is severely diminished by this mess.
Those idiot fans are students, who's parents pay tuition, which provides revenue for the university. I think the admin. understands the message and wisely made the right decision.
Pedophilia, Scary
It indeed is abhorrent. But Greg Schiano is not. No evidence as poster noted above. Mob mentality. And you seem, frighteningly, a part of it. Really sad that you don’t know the facts in the Schiano case, nor have the intellectual curiosity to learn them. I feel sorry for you. I really do.
Those idiot fans are students, who's parents pay tuition, which provides revenue for the university. I think the admin. understands the message and wisely made the right decision.
Huh? They are legislators and mayors.
The big problem at Pedo State was people willfully looking the other way, and/or very deliberately making sure that they never actually saw anything that they would have to report. That was the culture, and it was instilled at the top. The culture of a program, like any work place, is set at the top. And the culture was to make damn sure that you didn't see anything.

I might believe that Schiano never actually saw anything, or knew anything "for sure." But, was he doing the exact same thing as @CUBUFF80 is doing now, and deliberately not looking into something that would be very easy to look into? I don't think you can criticize @CUBUFF80 for not investigating a story, but reward Schiano for not investigating an even worse story.

I don't know if I'd give Schiano a job. Especially a head coaching job, where he'd be the one setting the tone and the culture. Did he learn that you always look? Did he learn that you should always report and investigate? Or did he learn that if you keep your head down, and stay ignorant of problems that it'll blow over and you'll eventually get promoted?

I don't know, but it seems to me that it would be important to find those things out. I somehow doubt the UT AD even asked any hard questions about the situation during the interview process.

If he had asked those hard questions, it would have meant that he realized that this was a big potential problem, and he wouldn't have been caught so off-guard by the response.
Greg Schiano stayed in a bad job for a long time at Rutgers, was given time to rebuild the team/culture, and eventually had a nice run at the end of his time there. Even when he was a hot coaching name, he spurned opportunities until an NFL franchise made him an irresistable offer.

He was accused almost off-handedly of seeing Sandusky abuse a kid by one person. Schiano has denied this accusation. No one else has corroborated this account.

After his fall from grace at the NFL level, he was coaching a high school team and waited for a wonderful opportunity at tOSU. He has done well there and would likely improve Tennessee greatly. Instead, some idiot fans don’t think Schiano is sexy enough and are using an unsusbtantiated accusation as the excuse to not hire him. Schiano has major egg on his face and deserves compensation from Tennessee if they don’t hire him. Schiano’s ability to get a different comparable HC job is severely diminished by this mess.

the SEC money and the arms race its created has many victims.

As for compensaiton I am not sure who he can sue for actions of internet posters and third parties with paint.