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Official 2017 Coaching Carousel Thread - Zona hires Sumlin

It indeed is abhorrent. But Greg Schiano is not. No evidence as poster noted above. Mob mentality. And you seem, frighteningly, a part of it. Really sad that you don’t know the facts in the Schiano case, nor have the intellectual curiosity to learn them. I feel sorry for you. I really do.

You should take this up on a vols board...
Tennessee now needs a coach that flat doesn't give a **** what anyone thinks. Like The Pirate. As a bonus, he'd deliver 9-10 wins per year.
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The big problem at Pedo State was people willfully looking the other way, and/or very deliberately making sure that they never actually saw anything that they would have to report. That was the culture, and it was instilled at the top. The culture of a program, like any work place, is set at the top. And the culture was to make damn sure that you didn't see anything.

I might believe that Schiano never actually saw anything, or knew anything "for sure." But, was he doing the exact same thing as @CUBUFF80 is doing now, and deliberately not looking into something that would be very easy to look into? I don't think you can criticize @CUBUFF80 for not investigating a story, but reward Schiano for not investigating an even worse story.

I don't know if I'd give Schiano a job. Especially a head coaching job, where he'd be the one setting the tone and the culture. Did he learn that you always look? Did he learn that you should always report and investigate? Or did he learn that if you keep your head down, and stay ignorant of problems that it'll blow over and you'll eventually get promoted?

I don't know, but it seems to me that it would be important to find those things out. I somehow doubt the UT AD even asked any hard questions about the situation during the interview process.

If he had asked those hard questions, it would have meant that he realized that this was a big potential problem, and he wouldn't have been caught so off-guard by the response.

Well stated,

The Pedo State fans/apologist take this thinking all the way to the top.

They argue that Paterno "didn't really know what was happening." He "heard rumors but never really had something to act on."

As long as they were winning games and selling out the stadium nobody wanted to rock the boat. There is plenty to indicate that at the minimum assistant coaches knew that "something ugly" was going on with Sandusky but nobody wanted to actually confront it.

Was Schiano directly involved, did he have first hand knowledge? We will likely never know. What we do know is that he was a part of the culture and those involved in that culture still deny that the culture had anything to do with what went on.

I may be "too sensitive" to the situation. I am a father and have spent most of my professional life working with at-risk kids, some of whom have suffered the consequences of child sexual abuse. No wins on the football field are worth what it does to these kids. I imagine trusting a university to be taking the steps needed to make sure my and other kids participating in activities there are safe then I see this.

This isn't like being accused of stealing money from the petty cash fund or cheating on taxes or even being violent against other adults. This is kids being damaged for life. The standard has to be higher.

If a lot of Vols fans jumped on the bandwagon when they weren't happy with the profile of the coach so be it. The question itself of his fitness to be in that position is a valid one to ask and the first ones to ask the question were not necessarily even football fans.
Are we really going to blackball someone over a single un-corroborated hearsay accusation? Is that what we do now?
No, but we're going to ask the damn question.

It's a fair question to ask, not because of hearsay, but because he worked in that culture - it's a fair question for any assistant who worked for Paterno, ever.

Especially if you're interviewing a guy who is going to set the tone and culture at your program.

It's obvious that the UT AD did not ask the question, or he wouldn't have been quite so blind-sided by this.
Are we really going to blackball someone over a single un-corroborated hearsay accusation? Is that what we do now?
Some sobering takes on Twitter by many intelligent people on what this group think/mob mentality is capable of. It requires no evidence, no facts, and no innocent until proven guilty to delivery a verdict, or in this case, ruin a man’s reputation and career. Greg Schiano is being lumped in with Jerry ****ing Sandusky by the college football world right now. He could struggle to ever get a high level coaching job again (or any for that matter). In my opinion, this could have a similar affect on GS as it does on a guy being falsely accused of rape. It doesn’t matter if it actually happened, the accusation alone could ruin your life.
No, but we're going to ask the damn question.

It's a fair question to ask, not because of hearsay, but because he worked in that culture - it's a fair question for any assistant who worked for Paterno, ever.

Especially if you're interviewing a guy who is going to set the tone and culture at your program.

It's obvious that the UT AD did not ask the question, or he wouldn't have been quite so blind-sided by this.
What kind of answer is acceptable to that question?
No, but we're going to ask the damn question.

It's a fair question to ask, not because of hearsay, but because he worked in that culture - it's a fair question for any assistant who worked for Paterno, ever.

Especially if you're interviewing a guy who is going to set the tone and culture at your program.

It's obvious that the UT AD did not ask the question, or he wouldn't have been quite so blind-sided by this.

FWIW, the Pennsylvania AG who oversaw the Sandusky investigation investigated the claim about Schiano and found it had no merit.
No, but we're going to ask the damn question.

It's a fair question to ask, not because of hearsay, but because he worked in that culture - it's a fair question for any assistant who worked for Paterno, ever.

Especially if you're interviewing a guy who is going to set the tone and culture at your program.

It's obvious that the UT AD did not ask the question, or he wouldn't have been quite so blind-sided by this.
It’s not obvious at all, IMO, and the fanbase that got the deal nixed isn’t asking those questions, nor do they give a ****. It’s a convenient excuse to show (fake) outrage toward the underwhelming hire of a football coach.
No, but we're going to ask the damn question.

It's a fair question to ask, not because of hearsay, but because he worked in that culture - it's a fair question for any assistant who worked for Paterno, ever.

Especially if you're interviewing a guy who is going to set the tone and culture at your program.

It's obvious that the UT AD did not ask the question, or he wouldn't have been quite so blind-sided by this.

What kind of answer is acceptable to that question?

It has been asked of Schiano. He unequivocally denies it. No one has stepped forward to back the accusation / dispute Schiano. He hasn't had any scandal anywhere he has been, so it's not like he's getting hired straight off Paterno's staff.

What do people want?
It’s not obvious at all, IMO, and the fanbase that got the deal nixed isn’t asking those questions, nor do they give a ****. It’s a convenient excuse to show (fake) outrage toward the underwhelming hire of a football coach.

Also a difference between asking questions and painting stuff on a rock for everyone to see. Really ****ed up.
What kind of answer is acceptable to that question?
"What went wrong there were two things: a horrible man and a group of people who didn't properly follow up when problems were reported. I didn't know any of this while I was there, but the lesson that should have been learned, and that I have internalized is that it is up to the entire community to protect the weakest among us, and that you always report, and follow up on reports of abuse - no matter how powerful or trustworthy you think that person.

I won't cover up for anyone, and I will never look the other way if something wrong is happening."

Which is different from: "I knew nothing about it, and was just trying to do my job. I don't pay attention to any of that stuff."

The latter is completely unacceptable.
Beyond the Schiano Penn St situation, what makes UT fans think that job is all that great? Lane Kiffin was a fairly big hire at the time I guess, USC OC and and disgraced ex-Raiders HC, but after that Derek Dooley fresh out of LaTech and Butch Jones, beating out lowly CU for him. It's not a great job. Nobody great is beating down the door to be there, especially now.

...which is why Mike MacIntyre is the perfect coach to hire. No moral issues (except that thing last year), coach of the year as recently as 2016, from Tennessee. What's not to like?!
Beyond the Schiano Penn St situation, what makes UT fans think that job is all that great? Lane Kiffin was a fairly big hire at the time I guess, USC OC and and disgraced ex-Raiders HC, but after that Derek Dooley fresh out of LaTech and Butch Jones, beating out lowly CU for him. It's not a great job. Nobody great is beating down the door to be there, especially now.

...which is why Mike MacIntyre is the perfect coach to hire. No moral issues (except that thing last year), coach of the year as recently as 2016, from Tennessee. What's not to like?!
MikMac would look good in orange....just sayin'.
It has been asked of Schiano. He unequivocally denies it. No one has stepped forward to back the accusation / dispute Schiano. He hasn't had any scandal anywhere he has been, so it's not like he's getting hired straight off Paterno's staff.

What do people want?
I don't want him to deny it - if I'm interviewing him, I've already decided that I believe him that he didn't have actual knowledge.

But what I'd really want to know is if he deliberately avoided looking into things that would give him actual knowledge. It'd be hard to ascertain that, but I think you could figure out pretty quick by asking him what he thinks went wrong. What do you think went wrong? Did Paterno do anything wrong? Did the other coaches or administrators?

If he tries to place all of the blame on Sandusky, and Sandusky alone, I have a lot of issues with how he'd run a program.

Just like I have a lot of issues with anyone who thinks that the problems at **** Baylor are 100% on the rapists Briles recruited.