I hate the white helmets. If we're going to wear them I hope it's in games that no one besides us diehards are paying attention to. I'll guess W-B-W.
Game 1: G-B-G vs. Colorado State
Game 2: _____ vs. Texas State (Ticket website says to wear silver.)
Game 3: _____ vs. Northern Colorado (Ticket website says to wear white.)
Game 4: _____ vs. Washington (Ticket website says Even Sections - WEAR BLACK, Odd Sections - WEAR SILVER)
Game 5: _____ at UCLA
Game 6: _____ vs. Arizona
Game 7: _____ at Oregon State
Game 8: _____ at Washington State
Game 9: _____ vs. California
Game 10: _____ at Arizona State
Game 11: _____ vs. USC
Game 12: _____ at Utah

Game 1: G-B-G vs. Colorado State
Game 2: _____ vs. Texas State (Ticket website says to wear silver.)
Game 3: _____ vs. Northern Colorado (Ticket website says to wear white.)
Game 4: _____ vs. Washington (Ticket website says Even Sections - WEAR BLACK, Odd Sections - WEAR SILVER)
Game 5: _____ at UCLA
Game 6: _____ vs. Arizona
Game 7: _____ at Oregon State
Game 8: _____ at Washington State
Game 9: _____ vs. California
Game 10: _____ at Arizona State
Game 11: _____ vs. USC
Game 12: _____ at Utah
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